Hi, I have fallen in love with games like Lost City and dice world in which you can play against others live. I have searched and searched but can not seem to find any other games that offer the same competitive competition against others. Hopefully, someone out here can give me some suggestions of others games that are similar that work well with voice over. Thanks in advance!!!!
trivia crack
I have just started playing It, and although it could certainly use improvement in terms of accessibility, it is quite playable.
I have no idea if you can play it with your game center friends,though.
If it can be played with gs friends. My user is grryfindore on the gamesenter
re: triva crack
Thanks for the reply. I will surely be giving the trivia crack a swirl. In addition, I will be sending you a friend request on gamecenter. My name on there is Mr. biggz 74 and I believe yours is GRRYFINDore. By the way do you play lost city or dice world?
Lost city
mr biggz, is vision required to play lost city? I see they rather stress the beautiful imagery. is this made by fire Maple, the same outfit that offers the trilogy?