By Skyhook, 8 March, 2013
macOS and Mac Apps
Hi; I was wondering if anyone can give me a clear step by step instruction on how to drag and drop items using voiceover; particularly from one location to another with the finder. I never seem to get the hang of it and now I'm frustrated enough to try again. Thanks for any help.
Hope this helps
here's how it is done
VO Drag & Drop in Mac OS 10.8
My experience
VO drag/drop commands
drag and drop with voiceover
re: drag & drop
drag and drop with voiceover
That explains it
drag and drop, moving files
Why not just copy paste the
Drag and drop between applications
Hi everybody,
Some people wrote their applications in such a way that you cannot copy and paste, for example, android file transfer.
I used to copy, or should I say drag from the application I want to copy from, to the dock Icon of the application I wish to copy or drop to.
This seems to not want to work at this point in time, why, I have no idea. If anybody can help, please do so.