questions about setting up as a new IPhone

By Troy, 7 November, 2014

iOS and iPadOS

I have a couple questions.
1. If I were to reset my phone and set my device up as a new IPhone could I still reinstall apps using ITunes or does it specifically have to be the restore from backup option for this to work.
2. When buying a new IPhone is it better to restore from backup or set up as a new device?



By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 07:52

Personally in my opinion restoring it from a backup is a great option because you don't have to go and redownload every thing from you're purchased items from the app store and iTunes store.

By J.P. on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 07:52

You can definitely setup as new. I prefer this method with new device.
There is always a chance when using backup introducing corrupted files. Also some known bugs can be quashed when it's a clean install.

By MarkSarch on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 07:52

Hi Troy
Well, each personal opinion will be different.
Set as a new device no matter if is reset as factory settings or brand new always the device will be clean. no voiceOver running, not contacts, no data on it, however using iTunes from PC or Mac{ NOTE I'm not talking about Back up if not whenever plug using the USB or lighting cord} could activate voiceOver and transfer apps, media who include videos, Podcast, music, Etcetera. but one important thing: all the pictures or videos from your camera roll will be missed. yeah many people will say iCloud Back Up could help but not really pictures never keep saved on iCloud, not even music albuns or songs from third party sorces let say importing from CD or Flash drive.
if you set as a new device you could bring all your contacts and more important data only when use iCloud.
personally I use iTunes Back Up and I don't get headache whie transfer all my information, it's quick, easy and safe.
and one more thing about it, most of the time when gets crash some app guess what? are the own apple apps not third party apps it means you can't fix because can't allow delete from the device or reinstalling.
But definitely you can move to your device not all but most of the things using iTunes together with iCloud when set as a new device.

By Daniel on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - 07:52

Hello all, one question I'd like to add to this thread and that is:

If you restore your phone to factory settings and have your contacts backed up in iCloud or iTunes, would it then be possible to just download your contacts again like you would your apps again from the app store.

You see, I totally don't have a problem with downloading apps again but I was concerned only as to how you can keep your contacts safe and at the ready to bring back to the restored factory state of an iPhone or even clean install of OS X would be good to know too. Again, I'm only interested in the restore process for getting back contacts again safely when one either goes through an OS X or IOS clean install.

Your feedback would be really appreciated!