iTunes 12 and Jaws, how do I select what gets synced to my iPhone?

By Jayson Smith, 26 January, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

I want to copy some music to my iPhone, which I've never done before. I have been trying to use iTunes 12 on Windows, using Jaws. My music isn't being copied. I assume there's a list of what is and is not to be synced somewhere, but I haven't found it yet. I assume I need to check Music on this list. How do I select the types of materials to sync to my iPhone? Thanks.



By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 - 01:42

First plug in your iDevice.
Next choose the device button and then choose music.
Next choose the sync music check box.
Next after doing that you have two options sync entire music library or sync selective playlists.
If you want to sync your entire library choose the first radio button by pressing space or if you want to sync selective playlists then choose the sync selective playlists radio button.
Next if you have already chose sync entire music library then choose apply to apply the changes.
If you are going to do sync selective playlists you are going to have to go to the playlists table and then select the artist genre or album you want by pressing space on the album and then select apply.

I don't have a windows machine to test this out onso try at your own risk.
Here is a link to refer to just in case some thing goes wrong.

By Jayson Smith on Wednesday, January 28, 2015 - 01:42

Thanks for that info! I wasn't arrowing on the Summary text, which I should have been doing. All working now.