Questions about Safari Push Notifications

By Jessica Brown, 15 January, 2015

macOS and Mac Apps

I am not sure of what websites this works with and which ones it does not work with Except for iDownload blog. The first time I went there on my Mac, I got a pop up alert asking me if this site could send me notifications. I said yes. This has not happened to me on any other sites. However, now, every time iDownload blog publishes a new article, if my mac is turned on, I get a notification. Is there a way to enable these website notifications for iOS? Also, what other websites support this feature? Thank you.



By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Sunday, January 18, 2015 - 22:02

Mac rumors and 9 2 5 mac also offer the option to receive push notifications for the mac.

I don't think they work on iOs.
I just went to mac rumors on safari on my iPhone and they didn't offer to receive push notifications.
Same thing goes for iDownload blog.

I even check under settings and safari and no options for safari notifications any where on the iPhone.

By Ekaj on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 - 22:02

Hello Jessica. I don't own an i-device so can't help you there. But 2 other websites that support push notifications are Mac Stories and one called something like Game Guy which I've never heard of. For some reason though, Mac Stories continued sending me these notifications even though I said No. This was under OS X Mavericks, and now in Yosemite there is a category in Safari preferences for push notifications. As a matter of fact it is under "Notifications," but it doesn't seem too terribly accessible.