How to transfer mp3 audiobooks to iPhone using iTunes 12 for Windows

By Jeff, 12 December, 2014

iOS and iPadOS

I'm seeking step-by-step instructions to add mp3 audiobooks to my library and transfer them to my iPhone using iTunes 12 for Windows. Even an overview of iTunes 12 would be helpful. I'm totally lost and do not understand the layout at all. Please help.



By david s on Sunday, December 28, 2014 - 01:55


Transferring MP3 books is similar to transferring music.

Connect your device via usb cable to your PC. If iTunes does not start up, start iTunes. Wait a few minutes while iTunes finds your device.

Towards the top of itunes, you will see/hear two sets of tabs. If you are using a screen reader such as ZoomText or Jaws, keep tabbing until you see/find a tab called iPhone. Next to it, you will see/hear the name of your iPhone. When you hear the name of your iPhone, hit enter on your keyboard.

Next you have to set your music sync preference if you have not already done so. Tab until you see/hear iTunes. ZoomText will not tell you there are options but Jaws will. Using your arrow keys on the keyboard, press the up and down arrows until you find music. It may take a few seconds as there always seems to be a lag from when you first press the arrows until it tells you what the options are. When you see/hear music, press the enter key. Keep tabbing until you see/hear the option to sync your music. Make sure the box is checked and check the rest of the options below to make sure they are what you want. Then click apply. Note, if you already have music or other MP3s on the phone, iTunes will ask to remove them before you can sync the phone with this iTunes.

Once you clicked on apply, do shift tab to go back to your iPhone. This tie, instead of going to the iTunes tab, keep tabbing until you see/hear the music tab. Hit enter then keep tabbing until you hear Albums. Find the book or music from your computer then copy it by doing CTRL C or Edit then Copy. Go back to iTunes and you should still be in albums. Do a CTRL V or Edit then Paste. Once you have pasted all the songs books you want to transfer, disconnect your iphone then reconnect it again to do the sync.

Wow. Sorry for the long winded post but I wanted to make sure I covered it. If I missed something. Someone will come along and correct it. There are shortcuts but I suggest learning it this way and figure out the shortcuts once you are comfortable.

HTH and good luck.

By Usman on Sunday, December 28, 2014 - 01:55

I'm not sure how to do this on windows, but you have to set the mp3 as a book in iTunes otherwise iTunes will think its a song

By Jeff on Sunday, December 28, 2014 - 01:55

In reply to by david s

You said there would be 2 sets of tabs. What are these tabs? On older versions, I had to add the audiobook to my library (by clicking on the library tab) then click on my device and tick the checkboxes for the audiobook and its associated playlist. There is no library tab now, so how do I add the audiobook to the library then initiate the transfer? Thanks.

By david s on Sunday, December 28, 2014 - 01:55


Yes I refer to it as two sets of tabs. Once your device is connected, the first set of tabs will say Music, Movies, TV Shows, More. Further down after a few tabs, you will find iphone then your device, iTunes, Music, Movies TV Shows. If you are using Jaws, the last set of tabs will say read only. So the first set of tabs does not say read only but the second set does.

When you paste the MP3 books or songs, you don’t need to do anythings else. The steps I provided is what I do when I want to add music and MP3 books.

HTH and good luck.

By Jeff on Sunday, December 28, 2014 - 01:55

With the help of some suggestions and some trial and error, I finally figured out how to accomplish the transfer of audiobooks to my iPhone. Here are the steps:

1. Click on audiobooks from the View menu (or press control-6) and choose New Playlist from the File menu and enter the name of the book.

2. Paste the files into the file list. It may be necessary to use the
Paste option in the Edit menu if control-v does not work.

3. Select all of the files using control-a.

4. Right-click or press the applications key and choose the Get Info

5. Make sure the artist field contains author name and the album field
contains the book title.

6. Choose the Options tab and change type from music to audiobook. Also
check the box to remember position in file.

7. Click on Playlists at the top middle section.

8. Click on audiobooks under library in the sidebar.

9. Click on the phone icon under the menu bar.

10. Click on audiobooks under settings.

11. Make sure Sync Audiobooks is checked. Choose selected audiobooks.

12. Under the Audiobooks section, check and uncheck books to be

13. Under the Audiobooks from Playlist section, check and uncheck book
playlists to be added/removed.

14. Click Apply.

Hopefully, I've not left anything out.