A Guide to Braille Screen Input on iOS and iPadOS

By mehgcap, 17 September, 2014


iOS and iPadOS come with a feature that lets you type in braille right on the touch screen. It’s called Braille Screen Input, or BSI for short. It supports all the same codes and languages that work with supported braille displays. BSI can do several useful things:

  • You can type braille in your preferred language and code, right on the touch screen
  • you can search for and open apps from the home screen just by typing part of their name
  • you can issue commands using braille, just like you would with a braille display connected
  • you can use letters to move around a webpage, such as typing a braille h to move to the next heading
  • you can type braille to search for on-screen controls, similar to VoiceOver's Item Chooser
  • you can move around and select text you've written
  • you can quickly send messages with a gesture instead of having to find the Send button

Braille Screen Input doesn't output braille, of course. It's all on the touch screen, and you still have to use speech or a connected braille display for output. Still, for those who know braille, BSI is a game-changer. Typing can be far faster than with the normal on-screen keyboard, finding and opening apps is very convenient, and command mode lets you navigate your device while staying in BSI. You can even re-assign gestures, such as giving yourself quick access to cut/copy/paste.

Setting It Up

The Main Settings

First, open the Settings app. Open Accessibility, then VoiceOver, then Braille, then Braille Screen Input.

The first switch you'll come to is "use activation gestures", which is probably on by default. With this switch on, you don't need to use the rotor to turn BSI on and off. If you tap two fingers on the screen, with one finger near the top and the other near the bottom, BSI will activate. You can then slide two fingers toward or away from each other while BSI is active to dismiss it. If you turn the gestures off, see below for how to do this with the VoiceOver rotor.

The next switch controls whether BSI will activate automatically. With "start automatically when editing text" on, anytime a keyboard appears on the screen, BSI will activate itself. If you always use BSI to type anyway, this can be quite handy. It does mean you'll have to exit BSI if you want to explore the screen before you start typing, though, or switch to command mode and use braille commands.

"Keep active until dismissed" is next. Say you use BSI on your home screen to find and open an app. With this switch on, BSI will stay active after the app opens, letting you use command mode or web navigation right away. Or, if you perform a search inside an app and are given a list of results, BSI will stay active and you'll have to dismiss it manually or use command mode to explore the results. The switch is off by default.

"Reverse dot positions" is the next switch you'll come to. This does what it sounds like: dots 1 and 3 swap positions, as do dots 4 and 6. To some people, this feels backward, since the index fingers are always dots 1 and 4 and the ring fingers always 3 and 6. To other people, though, it feels more natural to have the braille cell oriented so it's not upside down when the phone is held in the "away" typing position (see below). You can use this setting to choose the way that feels more comfortable to you.

"Visual text feedback" simply shows the character you're typing as you type it. It changes nothing about how BSI works, but it can be useful to let a sighted person watch what you're typing.

Next, you can choose typing feedback, turning on or off sounds and haptics. Note that only iPhones have the haptic option.

Mode announcement is next. This controls how VoiceOver tells you when you switch between input (typing text) and command modes. You can have VO speak, play a sound, or both. There are no haptics here, at least as of iOS 18.0. Note that, if you have VoiceOver sounds disabled and choose only the sound option here, you'll get no feedback at all when you switch modes.

Finally, you can choose the default braille table to be used. You can't add tables here, but you can do so if you back up one level to the main braille settings screen.

Using the Rotor

If you don't want to use the gestures to toggle BSI, or you want to have the rotor as another option, go back to VoiceOver's settings screen. Choose Rotor, then Rotor Items. Find the item called Braille Screen Input in the list and select it.

The position of this rotor item matters. If you move it to the very top of the rotor items list, it will always appear to the right of whichever rotor item you are currently on. This makes it quick to switch to so you can start typing without needing to move through a bunch of rotor items first; a clockwise rotor movement and you're in braille. If you want to leave braille input in a specific place in your rotor, you need only move it to the desired position. If you always want it to come after the "characters" option, for instance, drag it just under "characters". So long as it's not at the top of the list, it will stay where you put it.


Getting Into and out of BSI

To get started, find a place you can type. A note, an email, a text message, it doesn't matter. Somewhere a keyboard appears on the screen.

Now, assuming you're using the double tap gesture for BSI, position your fingers. I like to use my two index fingers, one near the top corner of the screen, and the other near the bottom corner. Turn your phone to landscape mode to make this easier. On iPad, you don't need to turn the device since there's so much room on the screen. Your fingers don't have to be directly across from each other, after all, just near the top and bottom.

Now, tap both fingers twice quickly, the same cadence you'd use for a normal double tap. You should hear a sound, and VoiceOver will say "braille screen input." You are now ready to type braille! To get back out of this mode, put two fingers on the screen and slide them directly apart, or pinch them together. The movement doesn't need to be much--I can easily do this with the first two fingers of one hand, moving them only a few inches. You can also use the normal two-finger scrub gesture. If you get stuck and can't get BSI to deactivate, just lock and unlock your device or turn VoiceOver off and back on.

If you're using the rotor instead of the gestures, simply rotor until you hear "braille screen input." Rotor or use the normal two-finger scrub gesture to get out of this mode.

Orientation and Mode

BSI can work in two main input orientations: tabletop and screen away. Tabletop is the simplest to grasp. In this mode, your device is flat on a table, screen up, in landscape mode. Your six (or eight, for iPad) fingers rest on the screen in the normal braille typing position.

Screen away mode is a bit more complicated, but is also what most people seem to prefer, at least on iPhone. In this mode, your phone is in landscape and the screen faces away from you,hence the name. The phone is parallel with your torso, held between your thumbs and pinkies. Some people like to press the back of the phone against their body for extra support and stability. Your thumbs and pinkies rest near the corners of the phone. For instance, between the corner and the side button, or near the mute switch/action button. Other people prefer to clamp the phone between their palms, instead of supporting it with their fingers.

Whichever way you prefer to do it, the end result should be that your six remaining fingers are free to move. The index, middle, and ring fingers of each hand should rest vertically on the screen, able to move away from and back to the screen freely. You'll use these six fingers to type. I promise this gets to be quite natural after a while, and isn't nearly as complex as I'm making it sound. This is one of those things that's hard to explain in words, but is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. You might want to start with a locked phone, or flip the phone around so you're touching the back, until you feel like you have the positioning right.

iOS will detect the mode by default. If your device is mostly horizontal, it'll enter tabletop mode. Flip it on its side, and it'll go into screen away mode. You can swipe three fingers down to lock or unlock the mode. One problem some people run into is getting Tabletop Mode into the correct orientation. Often, when it is first activated, the dots are flipped around, with dots 3 and 6 closest to you. To fix this, simply angle your device so it enters Away mode, but be sure the screen is facing toward you, not away from you as though you were going to type on it. Once you hear "Away mode" while the screen is facing you, put the device back into Tabletop Mode and you should find the orientation to now be correct. It may sound like a lot to go through, but it's really a quick rotation toward you and then flat again, and you'll hardly think about it after a while.


You can calibrate Braille Screen Input, letting you better tell iOS where your fingers are. On iPhone, very quickly tap dots 4 5 6, then dots 1 2 3. Don't tap all six at once, do the three on your right hand as a group, then immediately do the same for the dots on your left hand. On iPad, tap all six dots simultaneously, twice, quickly. VoiceOver should say "dot positions calibrated."

You don't need to calibrate all the time. I've used BSI daily for years, and I calibrate quite infrequently. At a guess, I'd say I average a calibration every few months. I know of people who calibrate when they enter BSI, whether they strictly need to or not, as they find it gives them better results. Experiment and see what works for you.

Typing Feedback

Setting the amount of feedback you hear while typing braille is done the same way you'd set feedback for on-screen or bluetooth keyboards: select 'Typing Feedback' from VoiceOver's settings, and choose an option under the "braille screen input" heading. Your choice will not affect the feedback VoiceOver provides for other onscreen keyboards or hardware keyboards.

Note that feedback can work a bit differently in BSI. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

  • In the default Mail app, swiping a finger right to insert a space results in VoiceOver speaking what you just typed, assuming you have word echo enabled. In most other places, though, VoiceOver will speak "space", and then what you just typed.
  • If you backspace (swipe a finger left) before what you're typing has been translated, VoiceOver says the dots of the deleted character. However, as you type, you hear VoiceOver's best guess as to the translation of what you're typing.


As you type, you can swipe one finger up or down for suggestions. These aren't spellcheck suggestions, though they work in a similar way. Once you swipe a finger right for space, or use the command to translate what you're writing, you can swipe a finger up or down to hear suggestions for the previous word. I've never been able to tell how these suggestions are generated--sometimes it seems like they come from spelling, and other times they seem to come from braille errors.

Once you hear the suggestion you want, swipe a finger right to accept it. This inserts a space as well, which you'll want to delete. There may be a better way to handle suggestions, but this is a feature I almost never use. Leave a comment if you have suggestions (see what I did there?) on how I can improve this section.


You can now enter BSI, type in either mode, lock your favorite mode if you want to, and calibrate the dot positions if things don't seem to be working quite right. Once BSI is active, you can, of course, type braille. Let's move on to the gestures you have available in BSI.

Here are the gestures you can use while in Braille Screen Input's braille typing mode:

  • one-finger swipe right: space
  • one-finger swipe left: delete most recent character (you cannot swipe left and hold to keep deleting)
  • one-finger swipe up/down: access typing suggestions, apps that match what you've typed if on a Home Screen, or move by the HTML element whose first letter you entered (webpages/HTML content only)
  • two-finger swipe left: delete previous word
  • two-finger swipe right: new line
  • two-finger swipe down: immediately translate current word (contracted mode only)
  • two-finger swipe up: move to next braille table
  • two-finger scrub: exit Braille Screen Input mode
  • two-finger rotor left/right: choose another rotor setting, which will exit Braille Screen Input if you have BSI's gestures turned off in settings (see above)
  • three finger swipe left/right: change between typing and command modes (see below for command mode details)
  • Three-finger swipe up: quick action (app-specific, but usually submits a search, sends a message, that kind of thing)
  • 3-finger swipe down: locks or unlocks the orientation (tabletop or away)

Command Mode

New in iOS 18 is Command Mode. When this is active, typing dots won't enter text like in Braille Input Mode. Instead, it will input commands, just as though you had a braille display attached and were entering chorded commands. For instance, dot 1 will simulate a one-finger swipe left, dots 1 2 3 will jump to the first item on the screen, 2 3 4 (s) will jump to the status bar, and so on.

Command Mode lets you issue VoiceOver commands without having to get out of BSI at all, or remember special gestures. Sometimes, it can even let you do things more quickly. For instance, Command Mode has commands for cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, notification center, control center, and more. Sure, you can customize your VoiceOver gestures to add these, but they're not there by default. They exist in Command Mode, though. And when you're ready to type text again, just swipe three fingers left or right.

For a list of possible commands, see Apple's documentation on common braille commands. Remember that, while this page says to press space with all these dot combinations, there's no space needed or used in Command Mode. You simply type the dot(s) for the command. Also, there is currently no way to customize these commands like you can do with an actual display.

Finding Apps With Braille

You can use braille to search for apps. On any home screen, activate BSI and begin typing the name of the app you want. As you type, VoiceOver will announce how many matches it has found. To browse them, swipe up or down with a finger, then swipe right with two fingers--the "enter" gesture--to open an app once you hear it.

Matching is done using the app's name. If you type "s", for instance, apps starting with s will show up. Other apps with s somewhere in their name will, too. Say you have an app called Stamps. If you type "st", Stamps will be among the first to show up as you swipe down through the matches. However, you'll also find App Store in that list.

You can use the delete gesture here, but space does nothing. You also don't seem able to use contracted braille.

Reviewing and Editing

While in braille Input mode (typing text), you have another set of commands available to you for reviewing and editing. All of these work while you hold down one finger--any finger--and swipe with one or more other fingers. I tend to hold down my right index finger and swipe with my left hand, but find what's most comfortable for you.

While holding a finger on the screen, swipe another single finger up or down. This will move between characters, words, and lines, similar to what you might be used to in the rotor. Once you land on what you want to move by, swipe one finger left to move back by that amount, or right to move forward. If you swipe left or right with two fingers, you'll select or de-select text instead of just moving.

For example, let's say you write the word "iPhone". Hold a finger on the screen, then swipe another finger up or down until you have selected characters. Swipe that finger left, and you'll hear the letters of "iPhone" backward as you move over them. Swipe right, and you'll hear them in the normal order as you move back over them to the right. This is moving your cursor. If you swipe until you hear "o", landing between the o and the n in iPhone, then start typing, what you type will appear between the o and n. If you swipe left with two fingers instead of one, you'll select each character you move over. Deleting (lift that stationary finger, then swipe any finger left) will delete the letters you selected.

Navigating Web Content

If you are on a webpage, you can use braille input to move around. For example, type an h, and then swipe down with one finger to move to the next heading, or up to move to the previous one. Exit BSI with the slide/pinch gesture, scrub, or rotor, depending on your settings. Focus should be on the element you just navigated to. This mode supports all the same first-letter navigation options as Quick Nav with an external keyboard.

Remember that you can also move to Command Mode with a three-finger swipe left or right. Once you use Braille Input mode to quickly jump to where you want to be, use Command Mode to start reading, selecting text, moving with swipe left/right commands (dot 1 or dot 4), and any other commands you want.

Text Expansion

You can type short codes in braille that expand to anything you want. I mostly use them to input common emojis, since accessing emojis in BSI is impossible. This didn't work for a long time, but it seems to be fixed in recent updates. If you go to Settings, then General, then Keyboard, you can enter text expansions.

For instance, I have an expansion set up so "xgd" changes to the guide dog emoji. All my codes start with x, since it's a letter that's almost never used to start a word. You can use anything you want. If I type xgd and swipe a finger right to enter a space, I hear that the guide dog emoji was inserted instead of the letters.

Command Customization

As with most of VoiceOver's commands, you can change many of the BSI gestures. Go to VoiceOver's settings, then Commands, then Braille Screen Input. Any commands you can't change will be dimmed.

Notice that there are a few unused commands, such as four-finger swipes. I use these for cut, copy, and paste. You can also change any commands you don't plan to use, such as "translate immediately" or "switch braille table". You could also modify a VoiceOver gesture not in the BSI section, to give yourself an easier way to activate BSI if you don't want to use the rotor or the default gesture.


It's no exaggeration to say that Braille Screen Input is a life-changing feature, at least for me. If you're comfortable with braille already, and can get used to typing on glass, you might find that BSI lets you type far faster than you can with the on-screen keyboard. You can also type punctuation and symbols easily, depending on your chosen braille table. Command mode gives you a whole new way to navigate your device, and might be easier than the default VO gestures if you normally use a braille display. Once you get used to BSI, there's no going back. For more, you can read Apple's official documentation on this topic. Note that, as of the time of writing, that linked page hasn't been updated for iOS 18.


The article on this page has generously been submitted by a member of the AppleVis community. As AppleVis is a community-powered website, we make no guarantee, either express or implied, of the accuracy or completeness of the information.



By dvdmth on Friday, September 19, 2014 - 02:45

I tested out the braille screen input feature on my iPad. I haven't tried the eight-dot mode yet, though.

One thing I didn't see mentioned is that you can double-tap all six dots to recalibrate the dot positions. On my iPad, the default dot placement was rather weird. I guess whoever set up the initial calibration must have had their hands in odd places, either that or I am holding it in a weird way and don't know it. Anyway, I have found that I've had to recalibrate the dot positions a few times while practicing to get the hang of things.

Also, while in VoiceOver practice mode, I found a gesture not mentioned here. Supposedly, a two-finger flick down will translate contracted braille immediately. I haven't tried it out, so I don't know how well it works.

My biggest problem so far when typing in braille is that, on occasion, the iPad acts like I'm still holding my fingers down after I release them, eventually going into exploration mode if I don't do anything. I have to tap a finger somewhere before it realizes I let go, and then the character being inserted is often different from the one I was trying to type. I especially have this problem when typing the letter L, dots 1 2 3, or when typing dots 4 5 6. Oddly, other characters that include those dots have no issues, such as the letter Q.

I think this was pointed out elsewhere, but I noticed an issue with typing echo when in contracted braille mode, where the iPad doesn't always tell me what I typed. This, combined with the issue I mentioned above, makes it hard for me to use contracted mode. I have much better luck in regular six-dot mode.

I tried both the facing away mode and the tabletop mode, and my experience was basically the same with both, though I think the holding down issue occurred more often in tabletop mode.

I have not used any braille apps before, so this is my first time doing any braille input. Although I know braille, I haven't been in practice for years, so this mode will definitely take some getting used to for me. I have a good excuse, though, since I can't use my Bluetooth keyboard with this version of iOS 8 with the various keyboard issues in the OS.

By Rafal on Sunday, October 19, 2014 - 02:45

I have been using Braille screen imput and I find it nice for Polish language. All letters are correctly inserted, including characters typical for the Polish language and this makes writing much faster. Firstly, one has to get used to such way of typing. While using Polish voice, all letters and signs are spoken, including spaces. The point is that it does not always work properly in Safari but I do recomend it.

By Pavel Ondra on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - 02:45

I have problem with this typing. I have ipad 2, ios8.1. I turned on braille input, laid my ipad on desk in portrait mode and did calibration. And now i have dots 1 and 4 at the bottom edge, while 3 and 6 at top edge. So when i type P it types V and when i type V it types P.

By Michal Badin on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - 02:45

well, ihave the exact problem, that the 1, and 4, 3 and 6 are turned up. on my iphone 5C.

By Rafal on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - 02:45

Hello, as previously said, I am very pleased with the Braille screen used in any application. I have problem with typing when an edit field appears in Safari on a webpage. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Turning off dynamic search options in Safari settings but it did not bring much help. I do appreciate your suggestions. To make things clear, I'm using iPod Touch 5g with iOS 8.1. Warm greetings.

By alex wallis on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - 02:45

I am not seeing 8 dot braille mentioned in this guide above when I 3 finger swipe right or left, all I see is contracted and 6 dot, is there definitely an 8 dot option? I didn't know 8 dot braille existed, I have heard of grade 3, but I assume that's not the same thing?

By dvdmth on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - 02:45

The 8-dot braille mode is only available on the iPad, since the iPhone and iPod touch screens cannot handle more than five simultaneous finger touches, or so I've been told.

I've experimented with the 8-dot mode on my iPad Air. It is essentially like the computer braille code, used to represent web addresses, programming code, and the like, although that code is being deprecated as part of the transition to unified braille. Anyway, lowercase letters are the same as in normal braille, while uppercase letters have dot 7 added. Numbers are the same as in Nemeth code, as well as some punctuation marks and symbols, such as dots 346 for the plus sign. Most characters typed on a standard keyboard use the normal six dots, with dot 7 added for capitalization and for a few characters like square brackets, where the computer braille code had multiple characters assigned to the same dot pattern. Adding dot 8 gives you access to extended ASCII characters, such as accented letters, but these assignments appear to be completely arbitrary, making it impractical unless you have a really good memory and actually have use for those symbols.

For me, 8-dot mode is most useful when typing passwords, such as when I log into my bank using their app, since I can easily intermix uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols, with each character corresponding to a single braille cell.

By Eglė on Monday, January 19, 2015 - 02:45

Hello there, first i am sory for my bad english knowledge and some mistakes.
I live in Lithuania, and speak lithuanian language. we have some special symbols like ą č ę ė į š ų ū ž. and i can not write these symbols on braille svreen keyboard. i think it is possible make somethink like dictionary that i could press dots combination and choose symbol, whitch i will type. for example if i pres 1 6 dots combination i write letter ą and so one. where i must give this request?
thank you so mutch.

By Rafal on Monday, January 19, 2015 - 02:45

Hi egle. Do you have Lithuanian support for VoiceOver? We have it for Polish language and typing Polish characters like ł ą ń ę ó ż ź is fine. If you have problems, you'd better write to Apple accessibility team and report this. Hope everything will be fine.

hey, Thank you for suggestion.we have not voice over support for lithuanian language because we have very smol groupe people, who using apple devices. i know only 7 people using IPhon

By Lielle ben simon on Monday, January 19, 2015 - 02:45

Hello! I am try to use in a braille typing and i am find that the english the braille typing on the screen work better. I am usis iphone with hebrew language interface of iphone. Recently i have change to english because autto swich languages between hebrew and english tthat has not exsist at a moment in hebrew. Sumbady has bumpt in a bug? tenk!

By Krister Ekstrom on Sunday, April 19, 2015 - 02:45

Hi, Or maybe this isn't language pspecific but only a sign that i'm a tad out of touch, no pun intended when it comes to braille, since i haven't used it since my Eureka a4 standard sadly died on me. I am ashamed to admit that i don't know how you type the at sign "@" or how you capitalise letters in 6 dot Swedish braille. Could anyone help me out there?

By TheBlindDragon on Sunday, July 19, 2015 - 02:45

I have my iPad in portrait orientation and I also have my iPad on tabletop mode.

By Alan on Wednesday, August 19, 2015 - 02:45


Recently, I was not able to use braille writing feature, the fourth dot doesn't work at all for a couple of days. When I asked for help to a sighted friend, he told me that on the screen all four dots are represented as numbers (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), but dot 4 was only partially visible, hidden on the upper frame. He tried to move it like a regular drag and drop element and... It just worked!

It returned to its starting position and I can write again.

Does someone know anything about that?

Thanks and if you experience the same problem, try to solve it this way.

By mehgcap on Wednesday, August 19, 2015 - 02:45

Thanks. I've never heard of this, but it's a good tip to keep in mind. I wonder if using the calibration command a few times would have worked the same way? If this ever happens again, try calibrating two or three times in a row and see if that helps as well.

By TheBlindDragon on Wednesday, August 19, 2015 - 02:45

I use Braille screen input to type on my iPad.
I like to use Braille Screen input when I'm not using my braille display.

By Ann on Saturday, September 19, 2015 - 02:45

On my own device I can never just start typing right away after invoking BSI. My dots are always flipped. But, after a quick calibration, I really am finding this typing mode is revolutionizing how I type on my Ipod Touch 5G. I've been using I devices and touch screens for three or four years now, and while I certainly can type on the standard keyboards, I am totally and horrendously painfully slow at it! Slow to the point that I will avoid typing on a touch screen whenever possible.

but now, with the braille input method, and only after 2 days of practice. I'm finding that I'm typing more quickly and easily than I ever have before in my life.

So thank you for your introduction, and thanks to Apple for giving us this input method. I only wish I'd tried it sooner.

By aaron on Monday, October 19, 2015 - 02:45

Not sure if I like it or not. Sort of don't because of teh very odd way you have to hold your device, I guess that's just me being picky and I could just get a case.

By Megan on Saturday, December 19, 2015 - 02:45

If I'm texting, occasionally I will be having a prolonged conversation with someone and want to continue using BSI. This is especially true on my iPad. However, I find that I have to exit BSI to send the message, then find the send button, then go back to BSI when I want to type again. Using my smart cover, for some reason my iPad won't come back to landscape properly. Has anyone else had this problem?

By sockhopsinger on Friday, February 19, 2016 - 02:45

My dots on my iOS braille keyboard are all of a sudden reversed. In other words, I usually use braille holding the phone locked in screen away mode with the home button on the right. Usually, this means that "a" is the dot under my left forefinger. However, somehow the dots are turned around. Now, the "a" is under my right pinky, and I am not having much luck getting the phone orientated again the way I like to type. Does anyone else have this issue, or has had this issue, and what can be done about it? PS: I also find it devilishly hard to get the dots to calibrate. Thanks.

By kool_turk on Friday, February 19, 2016 - 02:45

For those having trouble with the dots being reversed, it depends on the direction you rotate your phone.

I discovered this the other day.

If the phone is in lanscape with the home button on the right and the volume buttons facing you, and you rotate away from you, the dots should be fine.

however, if you rotate towards you, they're going to be reversed.

So if I want tabletop mode with the home button on the right, I would first rotate the phone, doesn't matter in which direction, we only need to worry about the end result for this case.

What I do is rotate towards me until the screen is facing me with the home button still on the right and the volume pointing down.

Then I rotate in the other direction till it says tabletop mode.

I hope this makes sense.

Calabrating is a little tricky.

Think of the rhythm when double tapping, then use that to calibrate, first the right hand, then the left.

That's how I do it, this method might not work for everyone.

By mehgcap on Friday, February 19, 2016 - 02:45

Are you sure you didn't unlock orientation, realize it, and lock it after it had switched to being opposite of your usual? Have you tried unlocking orientation and putting the phone in the position you prefer, to see if it'll get back to normal?

I like what the previous commenter said about calibrating--that's a really great way to think about the speed at which you have to do it.

By sockhopsinger on Friday, February 19, 2016 - 02:45

I'm going to try your suggestions and see if they work. I appreciate it, again.

By Liz on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 - 02:45

Is it possible to produce braille documents this way? If so, then I could email them in the braille course I am taking

By Lielle ben simon on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 - 02:45

Hi, braille document dosen't supported on ios but the writeing on a screen supported.
if do you have a notetaker can you use convert to brf document if you need.

By JDB on Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 02:45

On my iPhone 6S, I don't usually have a problem with dots being reversed. But whenever I switch to screen away mode with the home button on the right, it's always announced as being on the left, and vice versa. I've tried all sorts of rotations. The device happily switches between portrait and landscape, and between table top and screen away mode, but the announced position of the home button is invariably wrong. I find this irritating, and any advice would be appreciated. I'm running IOS 9.3.1, but the same thing happened with earlier versions of IOS 9. Many thanks.

By TJT 2001 on Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 02:45

The reason that this is said is for the visual layout. Imagine that a sighted person standing opposite you is watching you type in braille. You have the phone with the home button to the right, so your left hand is typing dots 1, 2 and 3. A sighted person standing opposite you would see the home button on the left. That is why the home button is announced incorrectly.

Note: when I say sighted person, I could have chosen to say "person", but I didn't want to give blind people the superpower of being able to see this and possibly cause undue confusion.

By JeffB on Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 02:45

Why can't I get character feedback when typing with contracted Braille? This really should be a feature. Also is there a way to get to the send or search buttons from Braille mode?

By mehgcap on Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 02:45

The lack of feedback when using contracted braille is a longstanding bug. On the one hand, it's harder to do, since symbols mean different things as you type.On the other hand, it's doable, as many stand-alone notetakers have demonstrated. Keep emailing Apple.

No, you can't navigate inside BSI. It's just a keyboard, like any other. You can press enter, with a two-finger swipe right, but nothing more. BSI is a typing method, not a way to navigate, and Apple seems to want to keep those two areas separate.

By TamagotchiTune on Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 02:45

Hi. I use an iPad and use Braille Screen Input a lot. It's set to 8 dot computer Braille. But there is some symbols I can't figure out. One is capital. How do I capitalize letters or do caps lock? And how do I do the @ sign?

By Clare Page on Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 02:45

Hi! I have successfully used Braille Screen Input regularly since I started using IOS 8 after buying my iPhone 6, but one thing I have never managed to do successfully is brailling all six dots at once, as one would do to braille the word "for" in English contracted braille or e acute in French braille. I currently write the word "for" in full when brailling in English, and switch to the built-in IOS default onscreen keyboard if I wish to add an acute accent to an e while brailling in French. I read in a previous comment that it's not possible to put more than five fingers on the screen at once, so that may explain my difficulties and need for workarounds as described above. For this reason, can anyone recommend a way of getting all six dots to register when I try to braille them, or is there some way of doing all six dots in two or more steps? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

By JeffB on Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 02:45

I'll email Apple that's anoying if you can type on the home page to find a app you should be able to hit a send or submit button.

By Greg Wocher on Thursday, May 19, 2016 - 02:45

I have issues with BSI and text messaging. Most of the time when I go to type something in, nothing gets typed in. It is like the phone is not registering my touches. No matter what I type nothing happens. I keep having to flip the phone between tabletop and screen away mode several times before I can get anything to register. This happens only in the messaging app. Everywhere else seems to work fine. Has anyone else seen this odd behavior?

Greg Wocher

Hi Clare. I did some experimenhting this evening, and hope the following will be of use. To braille all 6 dots, try this:
Braille the letter q on the screen, and, while keeping the fingers for dots 123 held down, remove the fingers corresponding to dots 4 and 5, and tap dot 6., then remove all fingers.
In fact, there are many possible variations. The principle is that in order to add the 6th dot, you need to remove at least 1 finger, but there must still be at least 1 finger on the screen when you tap the 6th dot.

By Taylor Brown on Monday, September 19, 2016 - 02:45

In this guide, it says you can't flip the dots but if I understand correctly, wouldn't holding it with the home button to the right for example, flicking down with 3 fingers, then flipping it so that the home button is to the left do that? In English Braille, the @ symbol is dot 4 then 1. In iOS 10 you're supposed to get character/cell echo in contracted. The reason you think you're typing and aren't in text messaging is because for some stupid reason, it activates the proximity sensor. Extremely frustrating.

By Henk Abma on Wednesday, July 19, 2017 - 02:45

Actually the subject says it all. Since IOS 10, in settings->general->a11y->VoiceOver->Braille there now is an option to reverse dots 1/3 and 4/6.

By Kelsey Nicolay on Monday, March 19, 2018 - 02:45

I have been using Braille screen input for a few months now. I have found that on my iPhone 8, I actually prefer tabletop mode. I haven’t had any issues with the dots being flipped around. If I do use screen away mode, I find putting my thumbs on the back of the phone and letting the phone rest between my thumb and index finger to be slightly more comfortable than letting my thumbs rest near the volume buttons. I don’t use screen away mode often though as I tend to make more errors than with tabletop mode.

By Thu Huong Dao on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - 02:45

Hi all,

Please advise me how to switch to the French braille screen input? I can only type English, using this method. Your kind help is much appreciated.

Best regards,

By mehgcap on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - 02:45

Simply open the Settings app, then go to general > accessibility > VoiceOver > braille. Find the option that says the braille code in use, and double tap it. You can choose from the available braille input codes in the languages you have enabled, I believe. I have only English codes, but I also have only English as a language. I think, if you work in French on your phone, French codes should be available in this list.

By Clare Page on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - 02:45

As an English-speakeing iPhone user who also uses French and German, I use Braille Screen input in all three languages, but I have never had to go into settings to type French braille in BSI, as I had already added French to the list of on-screen keyboards before I started using BSI. That means that, if I want to type something in French, I go to the on-screen keyboard, change to French in the list of keyboards I have made available for myself, then turn the rotor to BSI,and the text comes up in French braille code. The same applies when I use BSI in German, except that I have to switch to six-dot braille for German, whereas I know English and French contractions well and can braille easily with those.

By Justin on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - 02:45

Quick question in reguards to BSI. Is there a way of typing emogies in braille, or something like that? As I have the Emogy keyboard on my phone, theoretically, could you type emogys in braille?

By mehgcap on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - 02:45

To my knowledge, you can't type real emoji in braille. You can do punctuation ones, like colon right parenthesis for a smiley, but that's it. I'd love to find a way to type emoji, so if anyone knows how this can be done, please share.

By Ekaj on Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - 02:45

Thanks for this guide. I've been practicing on my iPhone and like it a lot. However, I'm having trouble entering my log-in credentials for various sites so BSI might be the answer. I'm exploring the different options though. This is honestly a bit daunting but well worth the bucks.

By Thu Huong Dao on Thursday, July 19, 2018 - 02:45

Thank you so much for your advice. After I have changed the on-screen keyboard to French, I can type French with the BSI.

By Thu Huong Dao on Thursday, July 19, 2018 - 02:45

Still, I find it difficult to type six dots to form the French character "é". Does any of you run into the same problem? What is your solution?

By Thu Huong Dao on Thursday, July 19, 2018 - 02:45

Hi all,

Could you please give me some tips on Japanese BSI? I mean, when I flip my left index finger to input a space in the tabletop mode, it doesn't show the relevant kanji like on the PC. How I can select the right Japanese hirakana, katakana, or kanji when using the BSI? Your kind help is deeply appreciated.

Warm regards,