Arrows navigation in HTML content

By splyt, 12 November, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps


I am enjoying the arrows navigation in HTML content in 10.10.

However I have a question:
Can I use arrows navigation with quick nabv on? It would be useful because it would be nice to arrow around a website and then if I am not in the place I want then just press say H and go to the next heading or the next form field.
As things stand now, I have to turn quick nav on, then press H or C or any other key, go to the point I want, then turn off quicknav and start browsing with the arrows again.
Is it this way or I can use somehow the arrows to bnavigate even with quicknav turned on?
If I try to use the ddown or up arrows with quicknav on, thei will act as a flicr and read the next or privious rotor item, which is not what I want because the keys should navigate like in a text editor.

Oh and a non-related question:
Did the keys to select between image view, list view and the other options in finder change? I can't seen to alternate views in finder.



By Tree on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 - 19:07

I don't think you can navigate the way you want with quick nag on, however, to navigate by heading why don't you just hit VO h while quick nav is off.

By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Tuesday, December 2, 2014 - 19:07

By the way the command to move by headings is vo command h.
Vo h accesses voiceover help.
You also asked about has the commands for changing to image view list view and column view have changed?
No they have not changed.
Command 1 is image view.
Command 2 is list view and command 3 is column view.