Congrats to the developers of Dice World

By Toonhead, 6 November, 2014

iOS and iPadOS

I just wanted to take a second to say congrats to the developers of Dice world, they put out a new update yesterday, which contains 2 new games bringing the total of games to 6. The new games are threes, and 1-4-24. They are all fully accessible! Great job guys, please keep it up. There have been a lot of negative comments about things on this site lately, so I wanted to bring a bit of positivity to the proceedings. So many people speak up when something doesn't work, but rarely do people speak up when something does, so I wanted to give them a thumbs up.



By jrjolley (not verified) on Monday, November 24, 2014 - 15:40

If not, I should try it. The games have got a lot of coverage here.

By KE7ZUM on Monday, November 24, 2014 - 15:40

I need to practice the games first before I"m ready to play. lol! if you want to tryme against them though my user is my ham call ke7zum

I do notice at least on my phone, and it might just be my phone that it slows down to a crawl. Im noticing this with other apps though, so I'm thinking that dice world is not the issue. We'll see and I"ll keep an eye on it though.

Again if anyone wants to challenge me to the 2 new games I'd loto try I love a bit of fun to get away from the monotony of my paper. lol!

By Toonhead on Monday, November 24, 2014 - 15:40

Hey, Facebook isn't necessary, but it is an option most definitely. What a lot of people do is set up a dice world account with the standard username and password. If you use Facebook to log in, your first and last name will be shown, so if you only want to be recognized with a username, I'd choose the dice world account. Also, I've noticed no degredation with performance on my iPhone 6, the game runs nice and snappy for me!