Rev Voice Recorder & Memos


Description of App

Rev Voice Recorder is a simple yet powerful audio recording and transcription app. It’s free, with no annoying ads. For transcription, get the first 10
minutes free and pay $1/minute after that.

1. Record your interviews, memos, lectures, meetings and more. Your audio will sound great.

2. Organize and edit recordings on your phone. Share via email, Dropbox, Evernote, and GDrive. Download with iTunes sync.

3. Order voice-to-text transcriptions, made by humans. Enjoy 98%+ accuracy and 48-hour turnaround for only $1 per audio minute. Try it: get $10 off your
first order.


"I'm pretty impressed with this app. It's simple in the design and very easy to use"
- Larry Hay, private investigator, Kingston ON

"Easy to play back recordings and send them off for transcription. If there's ever a problem, Rev always has a strong customer service team."
- Kush Desai, student, Omaha NE

" When I use Rev’s app, I can send my digital file directly to the company and have it transcribed without any additional steps. That’s brilliant. You
place the order right on your phone.”
- Cynthia Boris, writer, Orange County CA


* High-quality recording and playback engine that’s optimized for voice recordings
* Simple and beautiful user interface, now fully optimized for iOS 7
* Continue recording in the background while using other apps or while your phone goes to sleep
* Automatic pausing for incoming calls and other interruptions
* Smooth, quick, one-step process for transcribing (voice to text) your recordings
* See the status of your transcriptions in the app; receive the finished transcriptions via email and view them inside the app
* Share recordings directly from our app using email, MMS or AirDrop
* Send all your recordings to Dropbox automatically or send individual recordings with only two taps
* Open your recordings in Evernote, Google Drive, and (must have those apps installed on your phone)
* Download your recordings to your computer via iTunes File Sharing
* Import audio files from other apps into Rev Voice Recorder
* Quickly locate your recordings with search by name, location or date
* Trim your recordings to keep only the audio you want
* Append more audio to your recordings at any time

ABOUT REV provides the world's best human transcription (voice to text) service, at $1 / minute. Our highly trained, experienced, global team of transcription
professionals enables us to work on your projects 24/7. Our quality control team consists of senior transcriptionists who review and edit the work of our
team, adding an additional layer of proofreading to ensure our clients receive highly accurate transcriptions. Learn more at


You own and control everything about your recordings. For full details see




Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This is an easy little app for recording quick notes, letters, expenses and possibly even meetings. Just tap to record, say your message and double tap to pause. You can preview your message and save it and if you click audio list there are options there to edit your recordings and yes the transcription service is offered under there as well. I've tried the recording feature and all other options except the transcription service and everything is spoken by voice over and all buttons are labeled. The only thing that is a bit annoying is when you tap to record, voice over will speak something so wait till just after it stops speaking and then do your recording. Unfortunately, the word spoken by voice over is recorded as well, but it can be edited out in the edit area if you wish. I have not tested this with dropbox as I rarely use that anyway.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

I think this app might be really handy for busy people that need to keep track of a schedule, especially if you have a couple of kids that are involved in different activities at different times. tThis would also be useful for anyone in the medical field for quick notes or teachers of any kind.

Developer's Twitter Username



1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by kithri 9 years 9 months ago



By KE7ZUM on Sunday, August 11, 2013 - 07:48

This app sounds nice. I still would use my olympus for my music classes, but my education classes or classes in smaller room I think this thing would be handy especially since I use notesy for my note taking. and to have it work in the back round is quite handy. Sure we have the voice memos app but it's always good to have more then 1 tool for multi purpose things.

By KE7ZUM on Sunday, August 11, 2013 - 07:48

Regarding the editing of the beginning of a file, you cannot do that. No slider or way to select a file appears, at least with voice over. Over all though the app is pretty cool! These are just my observations so far. Good luck all.

By AnonyMouse on Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 07:48

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Still a great little recording app to use that is simple and FREE.

What's New in Version 3.0.0
** First 10 minutes are free for your first transcription order **

* Rev Voice Recorder is now a universal app, with a native iPad version optimized for the big screen
* You can change the credit card on file with Rev within the app
* You can import audio files from other apps (or email). Just select the "Open in" option for the audio file, and pick the Rev Voice Recorder from the
list of apps
* The UI to begin a recording has been improved, so it's now faster than ever to start recording
* General polish and bugfixing