Hi. Just found out on twitter that skype 7.0 for mac is out and the ui has been redone. Is it still accessible and if not, how do I stop my mac from auto updating it so I can stay on the previous skype version? Thank you.
Wouldn't it be simple to keep clicking skip this update until such time as the functionality which mayor may not be there you wish to have is restored?
Don't install the update?
Wouldn't it be simple to keep clicking skip this update until such time as the functionality which mayor may not be there you wish to have is restored?
Seems to be alright for general things
Installed it, wrote messages to folks, seems ok considering.
Skype 7.0
Yes it is very accessible.
Wokrs fine forme on macbook pro as well.
Unless you use the dialpad don't believe there are any issues, though granted accessibility is like clothing size, one size doesn't fit all. :)