Cover art disappears after syncing

By madmex, 20 September, 2014

iOS and iPadOS

Yesterday I was synicing some albums and two things I've noticed one it takes forever to sync when it didn't really seem the items I wanted and two when you do try to sync all of your cover albums disappear. I don't know if anyone else has this problem



By MarkSarch on Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 07:40

firtst should you give most of the possible details as what machine you are using Windows or Mac, iTunes version, screen reading, iOS device, iOS version and those things.
but I will give this description I seen this issue to:
Windows machine usigng iTunes version
current version 11.4
and previous iTunes 11.3 version.
This affect all kind of media as:
Music, Movies, video music, TV Shows, Tones and sometimes Podcast.
also on the previous iTunes version many Mac users seen this issue.
okay this process apply using:windows Machine and screen reading as Jaws, Window eyes and NVDA

after iTunes Sync process and all your media is not into the iOS device. try the follow.
iTunes need to be open and plug the device using the USB cord.
#1 Go to devices sorces
you can navegate using arrow key
#2 press tap select one of the follow check boxes using spacebar
TV Shows
always select Movies cause I have and work for me if you don't have Movies pick another.
##3 using tap move forward where you can check or uncheck the items
in my cace Jaws or Window Eyes announce the items who are selected always select only one specific movie who is selected but I uncheck to then check again the same item
#4 using tap move until reach Sync button slect it
#5 wait for a beat and after listen the sound when iTunes has the sync completed all your media include music, movies will be into your iOS device
for unknown reason happens that. but this works.
you can see the sync in progress using the tap key to go forward and shift tap to go backward.

By MarkSarch on Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 07:40

No problem try to do it.
should it work.
please when you do it if this process work for you well come back to the forum and write here.
good luck