VMWare Issues

By Cherokee Eagle, 27 August, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps


I'm having two issues with running Windows 8.1 using Fusion 6. I cannot get my camera and some of the other hardware to work. I have downloaded the latest Bootcamp drivers and it says the camera drivers have been successfully, installed but I still cannot get Windows to recognize my camera. Is there anyone that can help me?

Another issue is that I cannot get the Windows key to work properly. In some cases, it works fine, but in others, it still thinks I'm using it as a command key. To answer a natural question, yes, I usually turn VO off when using the virtual machine. I know I need to map my keys, but have no idea how. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Saturday, August 30, 2014 - 19:58

Are you looking for keyboard remapping software?
If you are there is a program that's called sharp keys that can help you remap you're keys.