Issue with Nisus Writer Pro

By Tree, 13 August, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps

I am playing with a free trial version of Nisus Writer Pro and everything seems to be working fine apart from one thing. When I type in text it seems that the app is trying to predict what I am going to say. What is more if I type a word, such as hell,, the app turns the word into hello when I hit space. It makes a sound like the itunes search bar makes as it tries to do predictive searching. I am not against Nisus having suggestions about what I'm going to type, in fact since I am a terrible speller this could be helpful, however, it is extremely annoying when the app changes a perfectly ok word into a word I don't want to type and the tone it makes is very annoying too. Is there any way I can fix this problem?
P. S. I am mainly interested in this app as a way of editing pdf's. I hope to open pdf's with it, change them and then convert the file back to a pdf. Does anyone have experience using this app in this way and what are your results? Could such a process result in formatting issues? Thanks



By Chris Bruinenberg on Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 07:30

Hi Tree.
Yes, you can open and edit PDF files with in Nisus writer. To change autocomplete on the mac go to system preferences.
Then go to keyboard.
Then text.
Then correct spellings automatically.
This should stop the mac from auto completing everything that it believes to be a misspelled word.
Hope that helps you!

By KE7ZUM on Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 07:30

You can also hit escape while typig the word to cancel it. It will eventally learn your pattern.

By Tree on Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 07:30

You have to go to the preferences of the app and then uncheck the option that says, "Suggest completions as you type". This will fix the problem.