Accessible and Useful Jailbreak Tweaks List for iOS 7

By Robert A.M., 5 January, 2014

Other Apple Chat
Hi All, I thought it might be a good idea to compile a list of iOS 7 jailbreak tweaks which are accessible with VoiceOver and provide additional functionality and usability for visually impaired users. I will begin by sharing some of the tweaks I have installed on my iPhone 5s and iPad 4: Activator Applocker Bloard CleverPin FlipControlCenter combined with FlipLaunch iKeywi Nitrous NowNow Like I said, I have personally tested these tweaks, both on a 32 and on a 64 bit device. I strongly encourage you, my fellow Applevis jailbreakers, to expand this list by sharing the accessible and useful tweaks that you come across! Regards!



By Blind Joe on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

Hey guys. Just wanted to let everyone know that although Bridge will work as far as transferring ring tones is concerned, there's an application on Cydia called UnlimTones that is very accessible and will download the ring tones directly to your phone. Hope this helps. :)

By Andrew on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

In reply to by Blind Joe

Hey Joe, Thank you for the recommendation. What sites do you go to to get ring tones from. What sites do you find have the best selection to use unlimtones to get ring tones for your phone? Any sites you can suggest would be very helpful. Thank you. -Andrew-

By falcon wings on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

Hi, just to make sure,bridge is fully accessible,right? As to ring tones I usually use the app 500000 ringtones or whatever it is called. There are a few others as well,but that one seems quite accessible. I knew a good website to get ringtones,but unfortunately I don't remember it now. I used it mainly when I had a nokia phone. Anyhow,if there aren't any good suggestions,I'll see if I can find that website falcon wings

By Jessica Brown on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

Someone asked me how I get ringtones to use with bridge. I either download them from and then convert them to .m4a and then rename the ending to .m4r and then email them to myself and open them in bridge or I record my own tones, convert them to .m4a, rename the endings to .m4r and email them to myself and open them in bridge. Sometimes with the ones I record myself I edit them with hokusai to cut out unwanted parts, then export it as a ringtone and open it in bridge.

By Jessica Brown on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

I also have the swiping problem and I hate it. I also sent a very detailed email to the developer and he also told me he would look into it and try to fix it.

By alex wallis on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

Hi, I have found that using vertical navigation on the rotor is a good work around for navigating the files and folders in ifile, though it is annoying having to change the rotor setting every time I use ifile so hopefully the developer can fix the problem, still there is a perfectly usable work around if he can't.

By Ken Downey on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

You actually don't need Bridge and a file downloader to get great ringtones on your phone. Just get a tweak called Unlimtones and you're off to the races. Type the song you want and it finds it more often than not. these are 30 second demo previews rather than the whole song, so there may be times when you still want to get music off your computer or the net. If you go into the app store and type download mp3 you'll find a bunch of results. The only one Ive found that I know works well shows up as musicDL once you install it. Then, just surf the net normally for places to find free music, like This particular site is driven by ads, and MusicDL is the only app I know that never lets them through. If there are others, I'd like to know about them. This app is $2.99 for the full version in the app store, but the free one lets you download up to five songs. The only problem I've had is that I bought the full version, accidentally deleted it, reinstalled, then couldn't get back to the full version. Once you have your tunes, it's time for Bridge, which works flawlessly. Another great tweak is sikarius. This app can shut down all the running apps at once right from the app switcher, and you can set up an exceptions list–and you can bet that MBraille never gets shut down unless I actually do it normally. Finally, the app gives an easy way to respring. Just three finger swipe up on the home panel when no other apps are running and you'll be asked if that's what you want to do. finally, there is ISounds, which changes the startup sound for your iDevice, as well as all the other system sounds. Maybe we can contact the dev and ask them to include the VO sounds inthe next version, but I already go to this app frequently. finally, if you're a windows user and like to move files around on the phone, there is a program called iPhone folders. This gives you total access to the files on your phone as part of Windows Explorer, as long as the computer is connected with the device of course. They may have a mac version out as well. You'll need to install an aditional tweak on yr device to make it work properly, so read the directions on the site carefuly. Hth!

By falcon wings on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

thanks Ken and Jessica. I just did a search for UnlinTones on cydia and wasn't able to find anything at all. what sorce is it located on? Nice suggestions there Ken,I'll see what I can get access to after I'm done writeing this.

By falcon wings on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

Sorry,forgot to ask about this. does anyone know where the music is located on the iphone?browsing through the folders,that is. Just thinking about the possibilities with a app like iphone folders when I need to transfer loads of songs at once from my pc to my phone. thanks

By Andrew on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

Hey Fellow Jailbreakers: I bit the bullet and spent the 4 bucks on Auxo 2 in the hopes that it would be accessible. I am here to let you all know that it is partially accessible. What I love, love, love about the tweak is that, when multi-center view is enabled, one swipe up on the home button will close all applications. This alone, for me, was worth the 4 bucks. no more of this waiting for KillBackground7 to get updated for 64 bit devices, and I don't have to fuss with quit apps for activator either as that Dev was shakey in my opinion. If you do not have multi-center enabled in the settings though, this feature doesn't work. I like multi-center because it combines the control center and app switcher into one, kind of like vertex. This view even plays nice with FlipControlCenter and FlipLaunch which I also have installed as part of my control center re-arrange; as far as accessing the stuff I want. So, no conflix there. I cannot comment on whether or not it plays nice with CC toggles or other CC items as I do not have those installed on my 5s running 7.0.4. Now, for what doesn't work: As we have all seen, I guess something has changed within IOS7 that doesn't allow much in the way of custom gestures with the screen anylonger, so I am disappointed to say that the "QuickSwitcher" doesn't work with VO enabled. I wish it would though, it sounds like a neat little addition if it was to be accessible. Maybe we could all tweet or email the two developers and ask if this is possible? The "hot Corners" doesn't work either, as this allows you to interact, via gestures to close apps/other things you could assign with gestures. Turning off/on some of the advanced options do seem to work, but that is a personal preference, and visual in nature, so I will not go into that here. For me, the fact Auxo 2 plays nice with flipControlCenter, FlipLaunch and I can now, with one swipe, close all open apps was worth it for me. That may seem silly to some of you here, but that is a feature I really miss since IOS7 came into play. I didn't like switchSpring and other applications were not accessible in my opinion, or had so many bugs it just wasn't worth it. Let me know what you guys think; or if I have mis-spoke on anything I have written about above. Thanks. -Andrew-

By Dave Nason on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Thanks for taking the plunge first Andrew :) I've just installed it now too. I got it for just $1 because I had Auxo on iOS6. He said on the IDB podcast that it would be $2 for previous customers, so not sure why it was only $1 for me, perhaps because I had it on iPad as well. Not complaining anyway. I can also confirm that it plays nice with Flip Control Centre and Flip Launch. However it doesn't work with CC Loader unfortunately, and in fact you have to uninstall CC Loader to get it working with Flip Control Centre. The only reason this bothers me really is that I miss out on my Share Widget for Control Centre which brought back the quick Twitter and Facebook share sheets. Sigh. Also, the media control buttons are not labelled and the volume slider is completely invisible to VO. Can you confirm these? Pity about the slide-in gestures, they look great. If only we could write to Apple and ask them to fix whatever they changed because they were messing up our jailbreak tweaks! Ah well.

By LBM on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

I have installed JellyLock7 and thought that I should warn you that although the tweak seems accessible, there is a major problem that it creates. After installation and respring, the Unlock button on the loch screen is no longer spoken by VoiceOver, which of course means that you cannot unlock and access your device! The partial good news is that if you turn off VoiceOver, you can get a sighted person to tap on the unlock button, then turn VoiceOver back on to enter your password and then access your device. And then you can go into Settings to turn off JellyLock7 to make sure that it doesn't happen again. I haven't played too much with this tweak, so it might be possible to configure it so that this problem goes away, but I thought that people should at least be made aware that installing this tweak will mean that you will need sighted assistance to get into your device.

By alex wallis on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

Hi, or the far simpler solution rather than borrowing a sighted person is to turn your phone off, then do the following. Turn your phone back on, but as soon as you press the sleep button you then hold down the volume up button. This will boot your phone into safe mode meaning that all cydia tweaks are hopefully disabled, then you should be ale to unlock your phone as normal and open up cydia to uninstall jelly lock.
Hey Dave, Yep, your right; same here on my end. Sorry about that, I missed reporting this, as I don't ever pay attention to this feature ever anyway.

By falcon wings on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

Is there a application preferably accessible which allows you to transfer music from the computer to your IOS device? doing it on Itunes might be eazyer,but I have noticed when ever I synk my phone with itunes its other storage gets increased by at least a few hundrad mbs.and since the dam other section is already at 1.5 gb or so,I'd rather not if I can help it. Ifunbox says that it is able to transfer music to an iphone,but so far that hasn't seem to work for me on the latest version which is 2014. I am considering getting addblocker and the addblocker network version,but the question i have is,does it slow the device or the loading of the webpages? and,is nitrous really worth it?I haven't really noticed speed issues with the facebook app or such,but ey. thanks,

By Andrew on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

Hey, While I cannot comment on everything you have spoken about above, I have found that using nitrous leads to excessive battery drain. So, I do not use it. The increase in speed that I experienced with the tweak installed was minimal at best, and therefore not enough to warrant the offsetting excessive battery drain. That is just my experience though; others might feel differently. With respect to AUXO 2, for the rest of the board, I have now uninstalled it. After working with it for a couple of days, I have found it to be inconsistent and buggy with respect to VO. Sigh, I will have to try switchspring and see what happens. -Andrew-
Hi Andrew, Thanks for your answer. since the battary running out is the main issue I have with my phone,I wouldn't indeed have liked or used nitrous as much. anyone else have ideas on addblocker and addblocker network?

By Jessica Brown on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

Hi. For people looking for the quick easy way to kill all appps in the app switcher in iOS 7 that is not a beta there is a new free tweak on the main repos of Cydia called clear background apps. I use it and it works good. It puts a button in the switcher that VoiceOver calls icn clean, and when it is clicked, all apps are cleared from the switcher. However, if you don't mind betas, there is also the beta for kill background 7 and i think it is on the bite your apple repo. I have also used it and it also works good and has an option in the settings to kill all apps or to kill all apps but music and leave music running.

By Ken Downey on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

For killing background apps, and save your money and get Sikarius.

By Jessica Brown on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

I had that same problem when I first installed jellylock7. I could not make my device unlock. I paniced. I had nobody who could see close by to help me. I tried rebootting and respringing and everything I could think of but booting into safe mode with the volume button because I had forgotten that I could do that. I was thinking I was going to have to restore my device in iTunes and I was mad at the dev for messing up my device and my jailbreak. Then I thought of one last thing and tried it and it worked. On the lock screen, I did a 3 finger swipe. I forgot which direction it was in, left, right, up or down but try them andd one will work. Then you will be taken to the normal screen with the unlock button and you willl have access to your device again. But the jellylock7 problems do not end there. When you go into the settings and try to pick the apps you want on the lock screen, you can not. VoiceOver just says empty list on the list of apps. This is because Jellylock7 uses AppList and AppList does not work with VoiceOver so any tweaks that use AppList do not work with VoiceOver. Thanks Ryan.

By Jessica Brown on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

For the person looking for a way to put music on there iPhone without iTunes, there is pwn tunes. It is $10 but I think it is worth it. It is accessible. If you have your music in folders on your computer, it can even make playlists of the folders if you want. You just copy the music folder from the computer and paste it to a special folder on the iOS device. Then you go into pwn tunes settings on the iOS device, pick if you want subfolders of the folder you pasted to have playlists or not, then click import. Then open the music app and wait for the import to finish. The more songs you import the longer it will take. If you sync with iTunes again after the import, the music is taken out of the music app, but not deleted from the device so you will have to import from pwn tunes again. The only bad thing I have found is if you try to import more then 3000 songs, pwn tunes crashes and I emailed the dev weeks ago and still no reply. This is bad for me because I have about 7600 songs so I can not even import half of them but if you have 3000 or less it will work for you.

By Andrew on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

Hello jailbreakers, Thank you very much Jessica for the recommendation of ClearBackgroundApps. It works just like you stated. It is simple and clears all of my apps from the app switcher, unlike AUXO2 and others. I will stick with this one. What I Phone are you using? I phone 5 or 5s?

By Jessica Brown on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

I have an iPhone 4S and an iPod 5 both jail broken on iOS 7.04.

By falcon wings on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:39

thank you Jessica for the recommendation. I did try out the free version of pwntunes,that is the trial. and it was indeed fortunate that I did,as after I installed it,it seem to make voiceover hang at the lockscreen for a minute or so. when I pressed the home button to get to the lockscreen,Vo wouldn't speak or respond to flicks,swipes or such. it'd get alright after a minute (probably more like 30 seconds or so) though,at which point I could go about doing my work just fine. Has anyone seem slash come across this problem ever before? falcon wings

By Andrew on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:39

Hey fellow jailbreakers,

I have found a couple of new jailbreak tweaks that are accessible. 1. Calendar for Lockscreen is accessible. I hate the NC view of my calendar and this tweak allows you to display many different configurations on the lock screen that are completely visible by VO. I then added lockscreen Extender so that I am able to view these up coming calendar events as long as I need to without the lock screen timing out before I'm done. Calendar for Lockscreen is 2 bucks and lockscreen Extender is a dollar. I am also using a tweak called StatusForecast. This is accessible. It takes awhile to get the code entered into the tweak inside of the settings application, but once this is done, I am able to display the city, temperature and current condition, in a text format, that VO is able to announce simply by touching the clock in the status bar when the phone is opened. This functionality is not visible when in the lockscreen. One other note about this tweak, it only displays military time going forward with the clock in the status bar once you have this tweak enabled and for some of you this might be a dealbreaker, but I like knowing the current temp and weather condition, in text form, at a moments notice. This tweak is free and I have asked the Dev to consider adding wind direction and speed to this in addition; we will see what happens. I have also installed bootSound and like it very much. I have finally settled on SmartClose by Ryan Petrich; it does save battery life and extend the use of my device. I have been using it now for about 3 weeks and can say, since I am a power user of the I-Phone, that it works very well. Anyone else found anything interesting lately? Anything new? -Andrew-

By Dave Nason on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:39

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Hey jail breakers. Is anyone else using the latest version of Activator, from Ryan Petrich's beta repo? I've just noticed a problem with it and wonder if anyone else can confirm it. Now, when I am in the screen where you select the event you want to assign to an action, VoiceOver no longer says "Selected" on the selected event. Using zoom, I can see that there is a check mark on the selected event, but VoiceOver says nothing. Anyone else?

By Andrew on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:39

Hello again my fellow jailbreakers:

The title says it all, and that is about all I can say, as ears on applevis are listening. My email address is, please contact me to discuss this topic and what you know about it. Hoping for some positive information sharing to go on. Looking forward to speaking with anyone who has knowledge of the two items in the subject line. Thank you -Andrew-

By Andrew on Sunday, May 11, 2014 - 07:39

In reply to by Karina Velazquez

It is on Ryan Petrich's beta repo,

By Dave Nason on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 07:39

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Greetings fellow jail breakers. Has anyone else tried the new YouTube downloader tweak called InTube. It's supposed to add a Download button to videos in the official YouTube app, but I can't find the button. Has anyone had any luck with this?

By alex wallis on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 07:39

Hi, I am trying to find a tweak which I hope someone can identify for me.
I heard about it recently but the person I heard about it from wasn't sure of the exact name.
Basically the tweak is supposed to be able to allow you to increase VoiceOvers speed beyond 100 percent, I have done some googling and searched twitter but without success.
Many thanks for any help.

By Jimmy622 on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:39

Hi,,,, I'm new to jailbreaking. I have recently jailboken with IOS 7.11. IIIIIII have just purchased a couple of tweeks, Prodtube and Beekeyboard. However, aafter purchasing, I can't find any buttons to install the tweeks. I have sought sighted assistance, and still can't find any buttons. Can someone please give me some guidence what to do? thanks a lot for your help. btw, I find this thread incredibly useful.

By Konsta Ranta on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:39

Greetings there!
To solve your problem, let me ask a few questions. Did you see a confirm button after purchasing on Cydia? If not, was there an unlabeled button right after the heading telling the tweak's name? if yes, that would be the install button, although usually it is clearly labeled and I do not understand why it would not be, it is a chance though. If you got through the installation on Cydia itself, then the issue might be the following: After it asked you to restart the springboard and you pressed on that, the device resprung, right? The tweak might be a settings one, which means that the button is in Settings after all the Apple's normal ones.
Another possibility in your case might be that the tweak appears as an icon on your home screen, in which case it is on the last page after all the icons you previous had.

If this doesn't help or if you are unsure of what something means or need clearer instructions, I am more than willing to help!



By Konsta Ranta on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:39

A new beta of iCleaner Pro, better optimized for iOS7.1X, is out. Due to it being beta, it can be installed free of charge without cracking anything! You can get it by adding this source to Cydia>
Hope you enjoy!



By Konsta Ranta on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:39

I discovered a cool tweak, called AppUpdateNotifyer. It integrates itself to Settings but also to Notification Center. What it does it it notifies you if updates are available in AppStore. You can customize the time of the checks, hourly, daily, or weekly.
This tweak is particularly useful to those who are tired of going to the Updates tab in AppStore only to discover it as empty, or who do not want to reduce their battery life by letting their device automatically update the software. The downside of automatic updates is that they work, but they also check for updates all the time in the background. Of course you can disable automatic updates permanently by removing the launch daemon daily.plist, but that's in another topic.
The tweak I mentioned is available from:
Hope you find it useful!



By Konsta Ranta on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:39

Thought I'd post it here anyway. The battery life of your device is greatly reduced if your time is set automatically. You can turn this off in Settings/General/Date and Time/Set Automatically.
In my discoveries, I've found out that by disabling the automatic set of your iDevice's time, the battery life can improve by up to 30 percent!



By Konsta Ranta on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:39

Are you tired of low Wi-Fi signals? Irritated because of the network being just out of range? This is when WiFiBooster is for you.
WiFiBooster is a tweak that removes the Wi-Fi signal limit set by Apple. Yes, Apple has limited the Wi-Fi signal of each and every iDevice. With this tweak installed, you can see and connect to all the Wi-Fi networks that your computer, or any Wi-Fi scanner, would see. Also, the chances are high that the signal level of previously seen networks will increase vastly.
There are no configurable options for this tweak, install, respring and enjoy!
WiFiBooster is available from:



By Konsta Ranta on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:39

Believe it or not, the tweaks you remove from Cydia do not get completely removed. The .plist file, the process of the tweak, still exists!
The fix is easy. Get the latest iCleaner Pro beta from, you'll notice the three tabs are clearly labeled. Go to advanced, preference files. There, you'll see a bunch of .plist files, and most probably also some the corresponding tweaks of which you do not even have anymore. The ones you have removed from Cydia but their files are still there, those you can safely delete. Leave alone all of those the tweaks of which you still have on your phone. The deletion is easy with VoiceOver; just get to Actions with the rotor, flick or move your finger to the file you want to delete and flick once down, it should say 'delete'. Double tap and it's gone.
Once you've cleared out all the files of packages you no longer have, reboot your device.



By Raul on Monday, August 11, 2014 - 07:39

I read on Reddit that Seacomet uses Ryan Petrich's Actionmenu to use emoticones with fleksy enabler through Actionmenu's Favorites feature. Do you know how to do that? if I click favorites I can create them. Does that mean that I have to choose the icones I use most and put them there?

By Konsta Ranta on Monday, August 11, 2014 - 07:39

Hello all!
BetterWiFi7 is a better version of WiFiBooster, with the following features except the signal limit removal:
1. The exact strength of the signal, if enabled, instead of percentage.
2. Quick connection to known networks with a single doubletap within the WiFi settings screen.
And some more I haven't still figured out.
BetterWiFi7 can be downloaded from the same repo as WiFiBooster. Configure options from Settings.

Happy WiFiing!



By Raul on Monday, August 11, 2014 - 07:39


Do you recommend any data monitoring tweak that reminds me when my data plan capacity is going out? Maybe an appstore app could do it, I don't know. I'm asking because I find that the iPhone statistics don't match with my real usage. Have ou noticed this?

By Hmc on Monday, August 11, 2014 - 07:39

The person looking for a faster VO speech rate wants rate-tweak, found in the repo:

Great thread, got lots of new tweaks to try I think :)

By alex wallis on Monday, August 11, 2014 - 07:39

Thanks for telling me where to get rate tweak for VoiceOver, can you tell me though how I use it? the speed slider won't go past 100 percent, and the tweak description doesn't help, many thanks.

By Konsta Ranta on Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 07:39

Even though this is an iOS7 accessible tweak thred, most of the tweaks work for iOS8/8.1 also. That's the case with iCleaner Pro about which I told you earlier.
To get the new iCleaner Pro for iOS8/8.1, add the source
to your Cydia sources.

Happy cleaning!