Looking for a professional audio recorder

By John, 2 August, 2014

iOS and iPadOS


I need an app that can be used for audio recording. I am looking for kind of a professional, but yet simply to use app. I want to use it for the following tasks:

- Making interviews and recording conversations.

- Defining sound block with which I can do different operations, such as cutting, adding effects to it, and all the editing tasks that can be available for the sighted users too

- Editing existing sounds and various kinds of music files

- Managing the files which were recorded earlier (renaming, deleting, etc.)

- Sharing my projects with Icloud, Dropbox and all the popular sharing services.

- Most importantly, let it be accessible. Not only to be compatible with VoiceOver, but the availability of its functions should be very comfortable.

If you could offer me any apps that would suite these requirement, please let us know about it.

Thanks in advance,




By remixman on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 17:17

There's WavePad for iOS. I haven't tried it, but there is a free version available, so it might work. It's available for OS X and iOS, as well as Windows and many other platforms.

By DPinWI on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 17:17

After you get a mic, and there are nice options from Blue and Rode, there are a bunch of recording options. You could use Garage Band, for what you are considering, but it is more music focused. For editing Hakusa, I think that's the spelling, is a good work bench for audio assembly and editing.

By John on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 17:17

In reply to by remixman


Thanks for all the suggestions.

I tried WavePad, but it doesn't seem to be fully compatible with VoiceOver. Although it recognizes all the buttons, but most of them are labbeled as three digit-numbers, so I cannot do almost anything with them.

I downloaded the free version, but I am totally sure that the non-free version is equipped with the same kind of button-labelling solution.

So please give some more other ideas please.

Best regards,


By John on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 17:17

In reply to by DPinWI


I tried this app too, the free version seems to be a bit better than WavePad, as far as its accessibility is conserned. I need some more info on a payd app before purchasing anything, I don't want to waste money for something that is not working for me. AppStore is full of apps like this, I discovered Recordium for example, it also has a free versiion, but I tried, but it is not accessible at all.


By Gerardo on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 - 17:17

Audiomemos from
via the Trim and Position Markers AddOns which are InApp purchases (however when I got Audiomemos for free during those App Free for a day deal) I got the Position Marker AddOn in the bundle, thus only having to buy the Trim AddOn), with the Trim AddOn and the Position Markers, you can edit text so to speak, by for instance, taking out from the beginning to a certain point in the recording, and trimming from when you end the demo, until the end, cutting out the part when you go back to Audiomemos etc. Good luck!