I am struggling with the category table under internet in iTunes. I can interact with the table, vo to a category such as classical, but I am unable to figure out how to access the radio stations in the category. I hear something like "status collapsed," then a category such as classical collapsed, then "comments collapsed." How do you access the radio stations under each genre to play them? I must be really dense, can't figure it out. Any help is appreciated. I have a MacBook Air and all software is up to date. Thanks so much.
Navigate to the desired item
Navigate to the desired item in the table and press right arrow to expand it. It may take a second for the list of stations under that category to populate.
Thank you
Thanks for your help. Still having trouble navigating this table and getting the station to play.
navigating over
Hitting right arrow to load the stations will only work if quick nag it turned off.
to play the station you want, do a VO shit m and arrow down to play station.
Thanks for the reminder
Thanks for reminding me about turning quick nav off. That helps.