Contact Refresh Button Disappeared!

By Ms. Insightful-1, 27 June, 2014

iOS and iPadOS

I am using an iPhone 4S, IOS Version 7.1.1, and 2 days ago, my contact list just disappeared. But thanks to this forum, I was able to retrieve my list by simply turning my phone off, and on, and then…..viola, there it was! However, I no longer see the Refresh button, that used to always be on the top left hand side of the Contact screen, just above the left hand side Search button. I'm not sure if it disappeared when the Contacts went away, but that is when I noticed it, as I wanted to Refresh my Contacts with my other iPhone & iPad, to make sure anything I added the last 2 days got included onto my 4S.

Any and all answers as to where the Refresh button may have gone would be much appreciated! As well as if anyone knows if it went away permanently, and if so, then is sync’ing the ONLY way to Refresh from device to device, from now on? I hope not, as that Refresh button made life SOOOO much easier! Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions you may be able to help me with! Smiley face!



By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:50

I don't see the refresh button either. I think it is gone.
I am using a iPhone 5 and I don't see the refresh button either.

By Fredrik Andersson on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:50

I see the refresh button but I don't understand what it is for.

By Ms. Insightful-1 on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:50

In reply to by Fredrik Andersson

The Refresh button on the Contacts page under the Phone category syncs the current, recently updated, added, and/or deleted Contacts on the iDevice you currently have in your hand, with any of your other iDevices. So in my case.....I am usually editing Contacts on my iPhone 4s, so when I hit the Refresh button on that particular device, it syncs with my iPad Air, and iPhone 4. Thereby updating all 3 of my iDevices via wi-fi at the same time, thus negating the need to update each device individually, and manually. So, you can see why that little button is so handy, and I'd hate to have it somehow deleted as a function from now on, as
it has proven to be quite valuable and time saving in the past!

By Fredrik Andersson on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:50

Ok I understand but in my case the devices sync automaticly through Icloud when i have push activated. How do your devices communicate? Do you use Icloud?