Hello fellow Apple geeks.
I love the new Pages app and feel like it offers almost everything one could ask for. However, it does not offer access to true headings. This is not a major deal for me, but I'm working for a university now, checking for accessibility and I need a way to check documents to see if they are properly formatted for accessibility. Does anyone know of any way to do this on the Mac? I know that I can check text attributes, but I really need some way of either navigating by heading. If there is no word processer that offers this is there at least a way where I can get voice over to automatically let me know when focus passes over a heading in a doc? I know that the Skim app offers access to headings, but it only reads pdf's and I need a way to test word docs. Thanks
By Tree, 26 June, 2014
macOS and Mac Apps
Please write accessibility@apple.com about this
Good day. I am working with pages quite a bit and have the same issue. I have written Accessibility@apple.com about this and they are aware of it. The more people write the more they will be prompted to kick it up the list. They do look in to all requests so let them know. I agree Pages is quite good and have migrated much of my word processing to the mac. I use the text attributes to check for headings. Hopefully, they will correct this.
I will let them know, thanks.
Thanks I will let them know. I agree that we should all make a point of contacting them and making some noise around such issues. We also need to contact them about the state of pdf's on the mac which is far worse then word processor accessibility.