Searching Hash Tags and Trends in Yorufukurou

By Wayne A, 20 June, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps

Hi everyone.

I just have a couple of quick questions about using Yorufukurou.

First, how can you search for hash tags. I understand that you can search if a hash tag is in a tweet with the shortcut key "G". Can you search for a tag that is not in a tweet in your timeline?

Secondly, is there a way of viewing what is trending in a particular location?

Hope somebody can help with this.

Love this forum. Thanks.



By Chris Norman on Friday, June 27, 2014 - 04:35

Hiya mate,
Sorry, I have no idea about trends (not even entirely sure what they are), but you seem to be able to search hash tags with command f of all things.

I thought it was control command g, but no clue where that came from.

Anyways, command f seems to be why you're looking for.

Happy hash tagging!

By Francisco crespo on Friday, June 27, 2014 - 04:35

Switching between tabs with command + left or right arrow you find search tab. There on the left of the table that shows tweets you will find the search box. Type what you want to search there an press return. Then you will see result by interacting with table.
Trends are not available. I suggested developer to implement this feature but didn't get an answer on when it will be done.
