Accounting software that works with VoiceOver

By John W. hess, 18 June, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps

Good day. Does anyone know of an accounting package that works with VoiceOver? Thanks.



By Siobhan on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:47

Hi. I donwloaded the quickbooks app, it's free. It seems accessbile but i don't have a user ID. You might want to see what's up witht hat.

By Travis Roth on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:47

You do not specify if you are meaning on an iOS device or the Mac? There is QuickBooks for the iPad, which seems accessible the little I looked at it. You need a QuickBooks Online account to use it. However, its functions are quite limited so you would need to see if it meets your immediate needs for day-to-day. It is not a full-featured accounting package, it offers some convenience functions.
For more complete functionality I would suggest trying the QuickBooks Online account. I have not tried it on an iOS device or a OS X system, but you may have some success. I use it in Windows with JAWS, and it is not perfect but can be made to work with that combination. That's why I am not sure but would guess on the VoiceOver side of the house, OS X with Safari and QuickBooks Online would be your best chance, but no guarantee. And again, it also could depend on what you need to do, some parts of quickBooks Online are more accessible than others.

By John W. hess on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:47

Sorry, thought I posted to the mac discussion. Yes! this is for a client that uses the mac for her business. Thanks for the clarification.

By Ted Drake on Friday, July 11, 2014 - 07:47

Hello John

The QuickBooks iPad app is the most accessible format of QuickBooks Online. It focuses on the most commonly used functionality for a small business. You may find this to be your best option. The latest QuickBooks for iPhone also has improved accessibility.

You can use QuickBooks Online with Safari+VoiceOver. However, we are still working on some labeling issues, especially in forms within data tables. The QuickBooks Online team is working with DeQue to evaluate and solve outstanding issues.

While it doesn't answer your question, QuickBooks Desktop for Windows has the most accessible experience, especially when combined with JAWS scripts from MyBlindSpot. Also the QuickBooks Android app works quite well.