QCast and QFeed on the Mac

By Thomas Byskov …, 5 June, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps
Hi! I've tried to contact the devs of QCast and QFeed to tell them, that their diskimages don't work on Mavericks... Or at least not on my machine. Sadly I've got no response ever since I contacted them earlier this year. Have any of you tried their apps on the Mac and perhaps got it to work? I really like their projects, but I don't feel confident buying software from people I can't get in touch with, when I am trying to submit a bug repport. :-( Thanks in advance for any reply Thomas



By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 07:05

When you downloaded q cast and q feed did you copy the q cast application to you're applications folder?

By Jakob Rosin on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 07:05

In reply to by Isaac Hebert (not verified)

Isaak, the original poster said that the DMG didn't work. so they couldn't probably copy anything. :)
I just downloaded the qfeed installer and the DMG opens fine on my mac which runs latest osX. Have you tried contacting @accessibleapps on twitter as well? they might respond there faster (although this is not an excuse to not to use e-mail.)

By Thomas Byskov … on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - 07:05

In reply to by Jakob Rosin

Hi both of you:
Isaac: Yes I did copy it to my applications folder, and when I tried to open it I was told, that the program was dammaged and couldn't be opend. I've sent two requests via their website, and got a ticket but have heard nothing ever since.
Jacob: Thanks for giving me their twitter. WILL see if that works out better. However I really don't like the way they are handling their support. I know of another person who contacted them aswell, and he has not got any respons.
I don't want to be all winy about this, but it sads me that great ideeas and potentials fails due to supportsystems that gives the user a feeling that devs don't care or don't tell that their helpdesk is broken.