I am in a desperate search for iPad apps that work well with VoiceOver accessability for a blind user of a Humanware Brailliant. He is a fifth grader, who finally got access to the internet like his classmates, but the websites that they use are not very compatable with VoiceOver, and he is left to feel frustrated. Our IT person suggested finding some apps. Could you recommend some iPad apps that work really good with VoiceOver.
Thank you!
iPad apps
Are you looking for book reading apps if so then audible and kindle are the apps to get. If you are looking for social networking apps then Facebook twitterific and Skype are three great apps.
It really depends
It really depends what kind of applications he'll need.
MMy recommendations
Hi. If he's into books, Bard Mobile is the best thing there ever could be for braille. But if he has bookshare, voice dream reader is really good. Why not read2go? Because it has not been updated in a long time to take advantage of iOs's new apis for TTS, and relies on outdated versions of already really clunkie tts engines. If he's into games, king of dragon pass would be very good, I'd think, for his age. It sure is for me, even at 20, and I'd die for such a game if I were 11 or so, so much into ancient battles and heroics and such. If he likes dice games, dice world is indeed good, although I'm not sure how well it works with braille. Anyone else here with reccommendations for braille-accessible apps?