Question about adding mob member in iMobster

By Dan, 28 March, 2012

iOS and iPadOS Gaming
Hi, couple of things, first I have to plead ignorance here. Not sure what you are getting at with the last part of your statement in your last comment Doug. Favor points good for getting game cfash? and spending on real estate, and you know where that leads. Not sure what you mean. Can you explain? Also if you add a mob member who is at a higher level, and probably stronger than you, does that help you? My thinking is it is safer to get favor points and spend 20 of them to add a mob member. Haven't done that yet. Gee Doug I hope I haven't attacked you in the game.



By DougS on Saturday, March 24, 2012 - 00:55

Let's start with better explaining the game cash reference. Among the things you can get with favor points is game money. 10 FP will get you about 3.5 times your hourly or 50 minute game cash payout. You can use that cash for real estate or whatever you like. More real estate means more income... You get the idea. Now for adding mob members. Whether you spend your favor points on that is up to you. I can save you 20 FP by telling you to go to the recruitment tab and entering mob code AF62G8 which will alert me to you needing a mob member and I'll of course accept. I'm not sure it matters what level a person is that you add. By that I mean I don't think you get an advantage by adding a level 200 player over adding a level 10 player. The 20 FP players you get in the game simply let you have one more player you don't have to recruit. Finally, If you attacked me at some time, it's all good. Lol. I grew my mob a little too fast so it's a bit under resourced and you probably won.
Hi, thanks so much for all the clarifications. I did see the reference get 3million dollars for 10 favor points, but I haven't accepted it yet. I'm still a little unsure about about adding mob members yet. I seem to be doing ok just by myself, but we will have to see.