Do Vienna or ReadKit sync with Feedly? I use Lire with Feedly sync on iOS so would be good to have syncing with Mac too.
Yeah I thought QFeed was just for Windows too, but equally I also stand to be corrected :)
Dunno if Vienna works with feedly. I don't trust online rss back up sites so keep my copy locally in an opml file. It is very good though and I highly recommend it.
Vienna just plain rocks. I
Vienna just plain rocks. I have been using it for about a year now and it just keeps getting better and better.
q feed
q feed is also another good rss reader.
thanks guys
I thank you for your comments.
I will look in to this.
QFeed is I believe for
QFeed is I believe for windows only. I could be wrong though.
Work with Feedly
Do Vienna or ReadKit sync with Feedly? I use Lire with Feedly sync on iOS so would be good to have syncing with Mac too.
Yeah I thought QFeed was just for Windows too, but equally I also stand to be corrected :)
Dunno if Vienna works with
Dunno if Vienna works with feedly. I don't trust online rss back up sites so keep my copy locally in an opml file. It is very good though and I highly recommend it.
QFeed for Mac Does Exist
Hello Marrie,
QFeed does indeed exist for Mac OS X: