By LBM, 19 December, 2012
iOS and iPadOS
I'm trying to find an app that will allow me to read, and possibly edit, multi-line notes on my iPhone.
The problem is that all the apps I've tried group all the text into one single "spoken" block, and so it is not possible to read the text line-by-line; instead they read *all* the text in one swipe.
The apps I've tried include the built-in Notes app, DropText, DropBox, SimpleNote, PlainText, Notesy and probably some others I've forgotten.
yes, it would be possible to read the text word-by-word but that's not really a very satisfactory method.
Two apps I've found that come close are NoteMaster, which stores its notes in DocX format and won't read text files, and the other is OneNote, which does let me read them line-by-line but editing seems a problem.
I know that there are probably workarounds that people have used, but I'm hoping that someone knows an app that allows good access to a text note. Not asking too much, is it!
Have you tried...
Still no ideal drop-box syncing editable/accessible IOS apps??
just stop flicking for a while
iOS Note App Notescroll Browse all notes like iBook
Notescroll could solve your problem.
Notescroll is a fast and easy to use note-taking app syncing with Dropbox and Box.
It brings the way you browsing all your notes exactly like iBook, even containing table of contents and page numbers.
And it is excellent at editing long notes.
RE: iOS Note App Notescroll Browse all notes like iBook
Hello LucasWing:
I just tried to use this app but found I had some problems. I assume you are a VoiceOver user? If so, how successful have you been in using the NoteScroll app? The app description is just what I have been looking for but the practical uses of the app leaves a lot to be desired so far, at least. Any helpful hints in using the app would be appreciated.