copying and pasting text on the mac.

By Zaina, 4 April, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps
I'm a new voiceover user on the mac, and i'm trying to figure out how to copy and paste text. i know how to do it on the touch, simply by doing 4 taps on the screen with 3 fingers. it does not work on the mac book air. so how do i do it? thanx guys!



By dvdmth on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:48

With VoiceOver active, press VO + Shift + C, or Control + Option + Shift + C, to copy the last spoken phrase to the clipboard, or pasteboard (the two words mean the same thing). While in a text field, press Command + C to copy the currently selected text, Command + X to cut, and Command + V to paste.

By Zaina on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:48

Thank you so much for your help!

By Berty on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:48

Hi. Another last but not least. To move text, first Command plus C to copy, then Command plus Option plus V to move. Hope you are more happy.

This is from with in the finder. This will not work with text. to cut text its cmd x to cut then cmd v to paste. Cmd option v at least with in pages will paste the new style copied with cmd option v.

Take care.