By Fredrik Andersson, 24 March, 2014
iOS and iPadOS
I have discovered a problem with Game center. When I click on my friends tab to see wich friends I have I only see how many friends and recommended, but I don't see wich friends I have. Is it any other who have this problem and solved it?
GameCenter Issues
fgame center problems
I reported this to apple
I reported this to apple during the beta cycle but I guess they never fixed it. In fact they could not reproduce it if I remember correctly I would email and emil them my xcode logs, or my logs when I synch my phone to see if they can solve the issue.
I also reported to Apple
game center
Tha'ts good. Keep an eye on
Tha'ts good. Keep an eye on it and keep reporting it like every few weeks in case they either forgot or lost the emails. loll! and everyone knows the saying about the squeaky wheel.
Good luck.
I fixed it
I use Ipad air (version: 7.1.2)
Settings -> Game Center -> Nearby Players (on & off)
It's bullshit but working ((: