Accessible and Useful Jailbreak Tweaks List for iOS 7

By Robert A.M., 5 January, 2014

Other Apple Chat
Hi All, I thought it might be a good idea to compile a list of iOS 7 jailbreak tweaks which are accessible with VoiceOver and provide additional functionality and usability for visually impaired users. I will begin by sharing some of the tweaks I have installed on my iPhone 5s and iPad 4: Activator Applocker Bloard CleverPin FlipControlCenter combined with FlipLaunch iKeywi Nitrous NowNow Like I said, I have personally tested these tweaks, both on a 32 and on a 64 bit device. I strongly encourage you, my fellow Applevis jailbreakers, to expand this list by sharing the accessible and useful tweaks that you come across! Regards!



By alex wallis on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

MM I really don't know why your having issues have you sent syslogs to the developer? I guess maybe there are some tweaks conflicting? what is switch spring? I haven't heard of that. Just a thought if its similar to quit app for activator maybe its conflicting with it. If there is a tweak conflict the way to work out what is causing it is to disable all your tweaks apart from quit app for activator and activator, using something like springtomise then enable them all one by one till you find what is causing the issue.

By Karina Velazquez on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

In reply to by Jessica Brown

Hi! I have purchased the protube package cause someone said here that it was totally accessible with VoiceOver, but although some buttons are not well labeled, my real problem is that I don’t understand how to download the video. I read that while the video is playing you have to press the arrow key on the right bottom of the screen but While the Video is playing I just have the media player buttons there. Thank you!

By Robert A.M. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi everyone, After all the buzz that Quit App for Activator has generated here, yesterday I decided to install and test it for myself. So far it has worked flawlessly both on my iPad 4 and my iPhone 5s, no resprings or crashes at all! I am using the following settings and Activator events: Quit current app action: - No "confirm to quit" dialog or alert when quitting. - No exclusion of currently active, recording or playing app. - Activator event: short hold of the sleep button while in application. Quit all apps action: - No "confirm to quit" dialog or alert when quitting. - Exclusion of currently active, recording and playing apps. - Activator event: short hold of the sleep button while on homescreen, plus a scheduled event every day at 12:00 AM. I suggest trying these settings out, hopefully you'll get good results! Regards!

By Robert A.M. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi All, Last Friday, Apple released iOS 7.0.6 for all devices running iOS 7 and yesterday, Evasion7 was updated to be compatible with this new iOS version. iOS 7.0.6 addresses an important SSL security issue, therefore, I strongly urge you to follow the procedure described on post number 23 of this thread to backup, restore and jailbreak your device again. The new Evasion7, version 1.0.6, can now be downloaded from Regards!

By alex wallis on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi all a tweat was just posted about a new tweak available on cydia called fleksy springboard. the tweak enables fleksy on the springboard and in other areas of ios, unfortunately I don't think it works in the messages app, and after having installed the tweak it looks like you need to be using the latest version of fleksy not fleksy vo, so I guess this means the tweak isn't much good to us at the moment, however I guess once fleksy is properly accessible to us again it could be. I wonder if it might be worth contacting the developer to ask if he can do a version for users of fleksy vo in the mean time.

By Dave Nason on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Hi Alex. Thanks for the heads up. I'm guessing this tweak was done using the SDK that Fleksy made available to all developers last week. That's why it would be the version that's not currently accessible. I don't think there is such an SDK for Fleksy VO. I could be wrong. Hopefully this could work out for us in time as you say.

By Kyle on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

correct its the inaccessible one. although i'm trying to stay optimistic that when the two apps get merged back together the sdk will become accessible.

By alex wallis on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi all, following on from my last post yesterday about fleksy springboard I have just scene another tweak go live on cydia which promises many more features than fleksy springboard, its written by the same author. The tweak is called Fleksy Enabler and sounds like it has real potential, I don't know if it can do everything fleksy springboard can do, but it can certainly do much more. The description for the tweak says that it allows fleksy to be used in a configurable list of apps, such as apple apps like messages, reminders and safari, it also can be used with app store apps like facebook messenger and what'sapp. the description also says that the app includes instructions on how to enable fleksy for other apps and gives a reference for where instructions can be found. I don't know about anyone else but I think this is quite liberating and gives a very good reason for jailbreaking, this is what apple should allow without jailbreaking to let us take full advantage of fleksy's potential. I guess now all we can hope is that fleksy is quickly made accessible again fairly quicly. Still the interview did say it should be weeks not months before fleksy and fleksy vo became one app again. Oh and if anyone is interested the twitter account I follow to get information about cydia updates is @CydiaRepos but be warned this account is very active so you will receive lots of tweets from it.

By Dave Nason on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Hi all. I have just jailbroken again after restoring and updating to iOS7.0.6 but am having problems. I have been through this process plenty of times before and not come across such a problem before. When I try to download Activator, I am met with the following objection on the Confirm screen: Note: The requested modifications cannot be applied due to required dependencies or conflicts that cannot be automatically found or fixed. Depends: Cydia Substrate >=0.9.5001 Depends: Flipswitch >=1.0.3 I did install Cydia Substrate (which also installs Substrate Safe Mode) as soon as I jailbroke and see that the version number is 0.9.5000 rather than 0.9.5001, but no update is showing up, even when I hit refresh in the Changes tab or reload in the Cydia tab. It is also stopping me from installing any tweaks that I was previously using with Activator such as Display recorder and LastApp. The issue is happening on both my iPhone and iPad. I used the latest version of the Evasion tool which I downloaded from their site just today. I really want to avoid going through the hassle of another restore etc., so any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Dave.

By Raul on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

In reply to by Dave Nason

Strange, I jailbroke with no problems at all. I know it is a mess, but I would recommend restoring and jailbreaking again.
Well weirdly after several hours the crucial updates including the one to Cydia Substrate 0.9.5001 suddenly appeared on the iPhone and all is well now. Still no sign of it on the iPad though, so I'll give it another 24 hours before restoring etc. Strange indeed but at least the iPhone is ok now. Thanks.

By Jessica Brown on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Ok well the first thing I did is I went into the settings app and found pro tube and turned off auto play video or whatever it is called. Then open up pro tube and there will be 2 unlabeled buttons. I do not know what the first one is, I think it is for signing into and managing your youtube account if you have one but you do not need one to use pro tube. The second one is your search button. Double tap it and wait a few seconds for your keyboard to come up. Then search for your video. Then when you find the one you want, double tap the name of the video. Then double tap the button on the bottom right of the screen, which for some reason VoiceOver calls 0. After that, the bottom of the screen will have stream, to stream the video, download, or sometimes it is just called dl, to download the video as a video or m4a audio file and saved, to listen to and watch your downloaded music and Videos. If you want to leave auto play video on, you will have to double tap the screen where it says video to bring up the controls, then double tap done. Then the video will stop playing and you can double tap the 0 button on the bottom right. If you also get bridge by the same developer, you can also ad pro tube music and Videos to your iPod music and Video libraries.

By Dave Nason on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Hey Andrew. Yeah I did hear that Ryan Petrich released that patch. I thought about it but in the ended up deciding to do the full update. I didn't foresee any problem with it, though it is a bit of a pain. Basically I'd ideally like to be on the most up to date release of iOS I can while maintaining the jailbreak, so decided to get on to 7.0.6 now before Apple releases 7.1 and kills the jailbreak. Have you updated? Anyway the updates came through on my iPad eventually this morning, so all is well with the world again. Was very odd though.

By Andrew on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hey guys, Does anyone know if bite SMS, which is now out of beta and on the big boss repo, work well with VoiceOver? Are there any portions of the app that are unusable with VO? I have never used this app/tweak, so I was wondering. Dave, I've thought about updating, but instead decided to install the patch for now; it gives me a window of about 5 days or so, to decide what to do.

By Dave Nason on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Yeah, I have used BiteSMS and it works well in my experience. I removed it a few weeks ago because I wanted to try out a different messages tweak called Couria, but may well go back to it. You might get the occasional bit of dodgy labelling in the settings panel and quick reply window, but I don't recall any real problems. It's free if you want to check it out anyway, you only need to pay if you want to remove the ads at the bottom.

By Robert A.M. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi fellow jailbreakers, hope everyone is enjoing their Saturday! I have a couple of new tweak suggestions you might enjoy: PowerBanners: This tweak replaces the low power alerts with banners at the top of the screen, allowing you to continue what you are doing without having to stop to dismiss the alert. Unlike banner notifications from other apps, PowerBanners adds vibration to ensure you notice them. HomeLock: this tweak resets your homescreen to a default page of your choosing each time you lock your device. I believe this to be particularly useful for visually impaired users like us, because we sometimes forget which page of our homescreen we were browsing before locking our device and this can cause some confusion. The tweak can also be configured to close an active app if one is on the foreground when the lock button is pressed. I also wanted to point out that it looks like we will soon have a better alternative to Quit App for Activator on our disposal. A new tweak called SmartClose appeared this morning on Ryan Petrich's beta repo, which promises to "close background apps the smart way via Activator". I haven't actually tried it myself, since this is only the first beta, but once it becomes more mature and/or I see some online reviews about it, I'll certainly do. Regards!

By alex wallis on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi Robert, just wondering what makes you think that the tweak Ryan petrich is developing is better than quit app for activator? I really am having no issues with the tweak and I don't know why others are. However its good to know there is an alternative. One thing I would like to point out is it sounds like smart close does something different to quit app for activator, as the description says quickly close all apps by putting them into a deep freeze without unloading them. Note the without unloading them, quit app for activator does actually unload the apps, so it sounds like this won't be a to use your expression better alternative it sounds like it will do something slightly different. Also, regarding power banners I don't know if its me but I haven't found this tweak very accessible, for me at least I haven't had VoiceOver read me any banners when my power level drops, I actually hope low power banners gets updated as I found that worked with VoiceOver. VoiceOver would read me the custom text I put in then the banner would go away I haven't had VoiceOver read me anything from this tweak yet when my battery level falls to 20 or 10 percent, not even a sound.

By Robert A.M. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi there Alex, Honestly, just the fact that it is being developed by Ryan Petrich makes me think it will be much better. Not to insult the other developer, but I don't think we would ever see so much bugs and issues with a tweak by Ryan as we have seen in Quit App for Activator. At least in my book, Ryan Petrich has a reputation of making tweaks which are efficient, reliable and, for the most part, accessible. I didn't want to get too technical in my post, which is why I did not mention the part about putting the apps in a deep freeze without unloading them. I have to confess that I don't know what this means exactly, but I assume that this is a "smarter" way of handling the closing of background apps. Maybe this will allow you to open them back up faster? We'll have to wait and see. I don't know what to tell you regarding the issue that you are having with PowerBanners, VoiceOver reads the contents of the banner to me normally on my iPhone 5s. Could you maybe have another notification related tweak installed that is interfering with PowerBanners? In any case, if VoiceOver doesn't read the notification, you would still be alerted that your battery is low by the vibration feature. VoiceOver speaks the following words to me when the banner appears: "Settings notification, low battery, 20% of battery remaining." Regards!

By alex wallis on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi Robert, I wonder if my issue with power banners might be to do with I usually keep my phone locked. As while I had it installed I did get something about settings notification but didn't get the rest, and of course no notification for settings when I looked at the settings icon, I suspect for me at least low power banners is better if it gets updated. I don't have any other tweaks for notifications installed. Regarding ryan petriches tweak I suspect what this means is that apps are not quit but are some how left in background which isn't what I want, regarding your idea of opening apps faster, I find that for the most part it doesn't make a difference if I unload an app completely or open it from app switcher unless its a big app like safari.

By Dave Nason on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Hey guys. Well PowerBanners is working great for me anyway.
Hi, I just installed smart close and this time it works unlike Quit app. The option appeared on activator. I know some people enjoy quit app, but there are some others like me that couldn't. What I don't understand is the "deep freeze" thing. When I activate it the apps just close, except for the foreground. If you press home to return to the home screen the remaining app also closes. Does anyone know how this works and the difference between this one and quit app, or switchspring option to quit all apps? Thanks.

By alex wallis on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi Raul, just wondering did you ever send the quit app for activator developer a syslog? he is very responsive and helpful, if you didn't I can give instructions how, in fact, perhaps I should make a guide explaining how to send a syslog. He did issue a few more updates in the past few days with more respring and crash fixes.

By Raul on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Honestly I didn't send a syslog. I'm not blaming him or saying his tweak is bad, but I prefer to have the Ryan Petrich one, since he is also the developer of Activator. That may be relevant or not. As we say in Spain, "Para gustos los colores"

By alex wallis on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi, no problem, its each to there own, and I guess that the nice thing with jailbreaking you can use what you want and I can use what I want. Who knows maybe I will try Ryans tweak, the reason I am not is because I am not clear if the tweak actually quits apps or what it in point of fact actually does, that is different or the same as quit app for activator.

By Robert A.M. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi everyone, Over the weekend I was able to test PowerBanners a bit more and I haven't had a single issue with it, banners appear in a consistent manner when they should. The only thing that I wish that the developer would add is a sound to be played when the notification is displayed. Alex, having the device locked shouldn't make a difference, since you will receive the notification as soon as you unlock it, just like the regular low power alerts. Regarding SmartClose, I'm glad to hear it is working fine Raul. Could you please do us a favor by performing a small test? First open an app which usually takes a few seconds to load, like Skype or Paypal. Then close it using SmartClose and open it up again to see if it loads faster... This might help us understand the "deep freeze" thing better. Saludos desde Mexico amigo! Finally, it seems that Dave wasn't alone with his problem updating the Cydia packages. Evasi0n7 v1.0.7 was recently released with the following changelog notes: - fix problem where bundled repository package information could not be refreshed/updated by Cydia - updated bundled Cydia package lists Regards!

By Raul on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

In reply to by Robert A.M.

Hello, Yes, the apps load a bit faster, and they open at the same point in which you left them. For examople, you are chating on whatsapp and you perform the close gesture, and press home. The next time you reopen whatsapp you will be on the very same conversation. The only thing I don't like is that the app in foreground is not closed, you have to press home for it to close, or freeze, or whatever it's called.

By Jessica Brown on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Well, I don't like the problem where app lists show up empty in apps like applocker and lockdown pro and jellylock7. However, I can tell you it is not a problem with applist not being updated for 64 bit devices, because I also have the problem on my 32 bit iPod touch 5 and 32 bit iPhone 4s. I think it is a problem with applist not working with VoiceOver. However, if that is the case, I wonder why the list of apps works fine when you are in the activator settings setting up an activator action to launch an app? I think I may try to email the developer of applist and see if they can update applist with VoiceOver support.

By Jessica Brown on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

There is a new tweak called boot sound. It makes a sound when your iOS device resprings or turns on. The default sound is OS x, but you can also get more sounds in Cydia or use your own .mp3 sound file.

By Robert A.M. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Thanks very much Raul! Glad to hear it is working so well. OK, here's a detailed description of the tweak, finally! This explanation was given by Ryan Petrich himself on Reddit: "As of iOS 4, all apps are allowed to run in the background for a period of 10 minutes, before being put into a deep frozen state. There are additional scenarios where an app can run for longer or be exempted from the frozen state, including when playing or recording audio, when providing a VoIP connection, or when GPS navigation is being used. Newer iOS versions have added additional scenarios where an app can be running in the background. Since then a number of "app quitting" tweaks have been released, all of which stop this background activity by killing apps and unloading them from memory entirely. This is wasteful. Killing apps forces a complete reload the next time the app is launched, which can be expensive in terms of how much time and battery power it takes to do so. In that scenario, binaries have to be loaded from disk, checked for code signing, UIKit startup has to happen with handshakes between the iOS and the app to create windows and views, and that's just the bare minimum necessary to get a blank window (doesn't include loading any data or functional UI of any kind). Sometimes this can result in better performance if one of those background apps is using CPU, network or too much memory at the expense of the active app. SmartClose does it differently. It takes all apps that are running in the background and puts them immediately into the deep freeze state. This is a state where the app cannot perform any network, location updates, or use the CPU or GPU at all, but is resident in memory ready for very quick relaunches that use no additional battery. In the event iOS runs low on memory, it will pick one of the frozen apps to kill. Since frozen apps don't need to be asked politely to unload, iOS can just kill them and reclaim their memory very quickly." Source: After reading this, it looks like Alex was right in assuming that the apps are kept in the device's RAM memory, nevertheless, this seems not to be an issue since iOS will remove them automatically if additional RAM is needed. By using SmartClose you can stop all the apps' processes to save battery life and improve performance, but you can still reload them quickly when you need them again. Regards!

By Robert A.M. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi there Jessica, Oh, I wasn't aware that Applist isn't working with VoiceOver on the iPod Touch either. In that case, Applist is actually not working on devices with small screens, i.e., the iPhone and iPod, but it is working fine on my iPad 4. Maybe someone with an iPad Mini or an Ipad Air could tell us if it works there as well? I also have BootSound installed and I like it very much. Regards!

By Robert A.M. on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi Jessica, Thanks for the feedback, I wasn't aware that Applist isn't working with VoiceOver on the iPod Touch either. In that case, Applist is actually not working on devices with small screens, i.e., the iPhone and iPod, but it is working fine on my iPad 4. Maybe someone with an iPad Mini or an Ipad Air could tell us if it works there as well? I also have BootSound installed and I like it very much. Regards!

By alex wallis on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi Robert, to be honest I doubt reloading an app from scratch has much of an effect on battery life over all. However I do wonder what effect keeping apps in deep freeze rather than unloading them has, as the app still has to remain in ram even if not active, so the phone is dedicating resources to that. Personally I can't be bothered to actually take the time to find out, as OK reloading an app from scratch might take a few seconds longer if its a large app, but in the grand scheme of things a few seconds isn't much and I would think that quitting an app completely helps with battery life because the phone is having to work less hard because the app is unloaded completely. I know the apps are frozen but part of the phone is still being used to keep a record of the app and what state it should return to when launched etc.

By Dave Nason on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Hi all. Did PowerBanners stop working for anyone else and disappear from the Settings app? I re-installed it and it looks to be working ok again, but just thought I'd ask.

By alex wallis on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

There was a mistake with a broken update yesterday but the author has fixed this.

By Andrew on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

In reply to by Musicruz

Hey jailbreakers, Has anyone tried the new vertex, not sure if that is how it is speled, tweak? The one designed to combine the notification and control centers? A mission control if you will? Want to know if it is accessible. Thanks. -Andrew-

By alex wallis on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

I find the best way to test tweaks for accessibility is to get a pirate version from one of the main big pirate repos out there, have a go with it, then if its accessible and I like it I uninstall the pirate version, deleting its configuration file as well and pay for the proper version. If a tweak is accessible I always do buy the official version as I find pirate tweaks are often not updated quikly. But it beats trying to get a refund if you pay for a tweak which you only find out after isn't accessible. Remember cydia isn't apple and as such your going to have a harder time getting a refund out of them, I know from past experience hence my strategy of testing a pirate version before paying for the official version.

By Dave Nason on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Hi Andrew. I wrote to the developer, who I have spoken to before about other tweaks, and he gave me access to Vertex to test it out for VoiceOver, nice guy. It's actually Control Centre and the App Switcher that it combines. Roughly the bottom half of the screen is a control centre, based on Flipswitch toggles which are customisable. The QuickLaunch section that's normally at the bottom of Control Centre is not part of it though. Here's my verdict: - The Flipswitch toggles are read and work fine with VoiceOver. Paging also works. - The brightness and volume sliders work but are not labelled. i.e. VO says "60% adjustable", whereas the stock Control Centre one says "Brightness 60% adjustable". Not a big problem arguably as there's only the two sliders to remember, but worth noting. - The other media controls, (rewind, play, forward buttons) are not labelled unfortunately. VO just says "button" on all of them. - VO does though read the track name etc. that's currently playing. - The app switcher part works exactly as it does normally. - There is an option to open it by swiping up from the bottom of the screen, Zephyr style, but this doesn't work with VoiceOver. Not surprising given that no gesture tweaks seem to work for us on iOS7. You just open it with the double-press of the home button, or whatever Activator gesture you use for the App Switcher. - You still have access to the normal Control Centre as normal. HTH Dave

By Dave Nason on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Hi all. The developer of Vertex has released an update to Vertex with accessibility fixes. The brightness and volume sliders, and the media control buttons are all now labelled for VoiceOver. So the only thing we miss out on now is the option to open it with a swipe up gesture, but I don't think there's much he can do about that. Good tweak overall. There's one or two options I'd like to have such as to switch the sections around and have the controls at the top and the app switcher at the bottom, and to remove the media controls. Maybe those will come in updates. But it's a good tweak and is fully accessible if you're looking for something like this.

By Musicruz on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

To all of you jailbreakers, you may want to add the repo There you can find the package name, "New 7.1 MFI Siri Voices." Therefore, you guys can also experience the new Siri Voices that's only available on 7.1, which we all know as of this moment is not jailbreakable yet.

By Jessica Brown on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi. Someone in this thread said they use springtomize3 and they got there camera button on there lock screen hidden. How did you do that? When I tried to do that, it would not hide even after I resprang. Also, none of the other settings I set in springtomize3 ever worked eather and I finally gave up and uninstalled it thinking all of the changes it made to the device were all visual and would not effect VoiceOver in any way. Because when I used my device with VoiceOver, it all seemed the same to me, but when I turned off VoiceOver and gave my device to a sited person to look at, they said they could see the changes I had made in springtomize3.

By Dave Nason on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Lot of hype about ProWidgets today. Has anyone tried it or know if it's VoiceOver accessible? The dev has a mixed record as far as I can remember

By Kyle on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:17

i don't know if its gonna be accessible, but i'm deffenatly gonna see when it does come out.

By Dave Nason on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Hi Kyle. It is out :) It came out today. It costs $2.99. Ill probably take a chance on it too, but thought I'd check here first before maybe wasting my money.

By Kyle on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:17

yes i will too. just saw it was coming to day. so lets go see. now.

By falcon wings on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hello all, This topic has been very useful and informative about the tweeks one may want to try,and the descriptions of what the various tweeks do,helps a lot. I am considering purchaseing a few tweeks,but have a few questions. 1: is protube fully accessible? if not,what are the things a voiceover user may have difficulty with? 2:What can't the free version of ifile do,that a paid version can? I have heard that the free version of Ifile has limitations on the features,but so far I haven't been able to find what limitions those exactly are. So far,I am planning on buying bridge,(which is pretty awesome btw. No more needing itunes to import ringtones from the apps which download the ringtones and than require you to connect the device with the pc,and so on. and the 2 tweeks I mentioned in the questions above. Ideas,suggestions? thanks

By alex wallis on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi, the free version of ifile won't let you move files with copy cut or paste. There is an accessibility issue with the latest version of ifile for ios 7, this issue is that flicking doesn't work to move you through the file or folder list, you can sort of navigate the list by moving your finger over the screen in a dragging motion or if you tap particular parts of the screen that is another way to move through it. However neither way is very easy to use it would be so much easier with flicking as when you have lots of files this makes using either of the above methods difficult. I have contacted the ifile developer and know that he is looking into the problem, however I think he is finding it hard to understand the problem because of the different ways we and sighted users navigate the iPhones screen. I know that it is definitely an ifile problem as I am not the only person for who flicking doesn't work in the file list. Interestingly flicking works for the buttons on the bottom of the screen just not in the area where files and folders are displayed.

By Andrew on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hello Jessica, I wanted to know, when you use bridge, what websites you use to get ring tones from and so on. I would like to add some to my collection using bridge but do not know of any websites dedicated to ring tone files. Any suggestions you could give would be great. Also, for Alex and others, regarding I-File. If you include "vertical navigation" in your rotor, you are able to flick down through the list of files when in this application. I find it a lot easier to navigate using this element then keeping my finger on the screen in the hopes I hit what I'm lookin for. -Andrew-

By alex wallis on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:17

Hi Andrew, thanks for the tip regarding ifile, still hopefully the developer can make it so flicking works again. I wonder if flicking no longer works because the files are displayed differently in the new ifile version, I will have to ask the developer.

By Dave Nason on Friday, April 11, 2014 - 07:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
To anyone interested, I have just downloaded ProWidgets and unfortunately it is only partially accessible. Not enough to spend your money on it at this time. Having said that, it would be nice if a few of us told the developer we were interested and willing to work with him on it. The initial splash screens that welcome you were read by VoiceOver, which gave me hope, but it was downhill from there. It gives you shortcuts to widgets in various places, such as Control Centre, Notification Centre and the lock screen. These shortcut buttons are all unlabelled. I wouldn't risk labelling them yourself as I've had absolute nightmares with labelling these kinds of buttons in jailbreak tweaks in the past. So you'd just have to remember what's what. You can also use Activator gestures. You can minimise widgets but you can't access minimised widgets, either to close them or maximise them again. Only way to close a widget is to press the home button when you have it open full screen, meaning we can't really use them fully as widgets. For us it's basically just a bunch of shortcut buttons, and share sheets, there are more accessible options for that, apart maybe from the browser widget which I might keep, and the fact that they overlay the currently open app rather than switching, but that's true of other share sheet etc. tweaks too. I'd be interested to hear what anyone else thinks.