Jaws and the iTunes store.

By kristy, 18 March, 2014


Hi all

I've recently begun using iTunes. I have jaws 12 and iTunes 11. I also bought the blindtunes jaws script for iTunes. However, I'm having difficulties navigating the iTunes store. When I search for content, no results are displayed, even of things I know for a fact are in the store. I also can't create an iTunes store account. I've created an apple ID and when I tried to log in, it told me I needed to review as the ID had never been used in the iTunes store. I clicked review and nothing happened. Jaws wouldn't read me anything on the screen.
What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it???



By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Thursday, March 20, 2014 - 19:13

Did you try this with another screen reader such as NVDA.

By MarkSarch on Thursday, March 20, 2014 - 19:13

regarding to your question. also can't create an iTunes store account. I've created an apple ID and when I tried to log in, it told me I needed to review as the ID I think you haven't authorize your computer. you need to authorize your computer to allows purchase or downloads. and also look in the www.freedomscientific.com some podcast who they did couple years ago how to use and navegate iTunes with Jaws.
Just do it on your i-device. VoiceOver is much better at navigating the iTunes store than JAWS. Once you have your Apple ID set up to use in the iTunes store, you'll need to authorize your computer in iTunes, so that you can transfer your purchases from your i-device to your computer.