Changing the dictation language

By Josh C., 15 March, 2014

iOS and iPadOS
Is there any way to change the dictation language without changing the display language? Currently, when I dictate something in a different language, my phone still thinks I'm talking in English, and it tries to find the closest English words to what I'm saying. I'm running iOS 7.0.6. Thanks.



By Aaron C on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:37

Add keyboards for each of the different languages you want to dictate in. Then, when you want to dictate in a particular language, simply switch your keyboard to use that language, and then hit the dictate button (or whatever it's called on that particular keyboard). It will recognize your speech in the chosen language.

By Aaron C on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:37

Go to settings, general, keyboard, keyboards, add new keyboard. You will find the control to switch keyboards next to the dictate button. Two-finger double-tapping should still work for launching dictation. Luck. Aaron

By burak on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:37

Hi, where do those buttons apeart and under which conditions?
The control is labeled Next Keyboard, and it appears to the left of the Dictate button, but it only appears if you have added other keyboards besides the default one. However, I couldn't get the two finger double tap to work in some languages, and the Dictate button does not appear in those languages. Maybe you have to set up something in Settings to get dictation to work in these languages? Languages that I've found so far where dictation doesn't work include Arabic, Greek and Hindi.

By Aaron C on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:37

It's probable that if the dictation button doesn't appear, then it simply means that dictation isn't supported for those languages.