install windows ultimate with vmware fusion.

By nohansa nuh, 16 May, 2013

macOS and Mac Apps
hello apple vis users, how to install windows7 ultimate with vmware fusion? (version 5.0.0). thanks.



By Khalfan Bin Dhaher on Friday, March 28, 2014 - 07:23

Unfortunately the comment above has been here since last May 2013. I couldn't find an answer either on how to install windows on a Mac independently using VMware fusion. Any help is appreciated.

By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Friday, March 28, 2014 - 07:23

1 First you will have to get vmware fusion. 2 Start the vmware application . 3 Choose new to start the new virtual machine assistant. 4 Choose continue to start the process. 5 Select the operating system you plan to install . 6 Enter the name for the virtual machine then select the folder wheir you want to store the machine. 7 configure the settings for you're hard drive. 8 When installing the operating system use the windows easy install feature then enter you're name password and a product key. 9 insert the windows installation cd in to you're computers disk drive and then choose finish to start the installation. During the installation you're virtual machine will restart several times and things such as vmware tools will be installed once that is done you should be able to use windows.