Hiding purchased items on the iTunes Store

By Khalfan Bin Dhaher, 18 December, 2013

iOS and iPadOS

Is there a way to hide all purchases from the iPhone?
I got a lot of purchased items and want to hide them. I've hiden few apps from iTunes one by one but didn't find a way to hide them all once.
Any suggestion?



By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Saturday, January 11, 2014 - 07:44

At this time I don't think that there is a way to hide all purchases at this time.
Since it has been broken since about ios6 or so I doubt they will. We'll have to see what they come up with in terms of a work around, or maybe not. Tc.

By Khalfan Bin Dhaher on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:44

Hello. Today I was able to hide purchased items on the iTunes Store and it worked well. It is very easy and simple. The following link shows us how to do that http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4919

By KE7ZUM on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:44

That's the problem. I don't even see an x to hide the app. How did you manage to do this with voice over if you used the mac?

Update: I did this by clicking the unlabeled button that is right after the image of the app. You can find an audio boo here of how I did it.

By Jessica Brown on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:44

Hi. You said you could hide apps 1 by 1. I have some I want to hide, but I don't want them all gone. So how did you do that? I only have iOS devices and not a mac so is there a way to do it from an iOS device? Also, once you hide them, can you unhide them again? If you hide them and then delete them from your devices and then want them back, will you have to pay for them again? Lastly, if you hide them on one device, will they go from all devices? Thank you.

By Khalfan Bin Dhaher on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:44

Hey Marrie. That was exactly what I've done this afternoon using iTunes for Mac. I've hidden one of my purchased albums by clicking the unlabelled button. However, I haven't tried hiding apps yet. Thank you so much for sharing the Audio boo link, I think most users will find it helpful. Take care :)

By KE7ZUM on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:44

Thanks. To answer the poster's question regarding iOS, I cannot find a way to do this in iOS. This has been broken since ios6 I believe. Try the trick with the computer if you have one and see if that works.

No as the poster stated there is no way to hide all apps at once. Hiding just makes them hidden. it does not as the name suggests take it out of your purchases list. You still have the app you just won't see it.

To unhide an app, that is under your store account in iTunes.

good luck.