By Josh C., 2 March, 2014
tvOS and Apple TV Apps
I'm thinking about using an Apple TV as an airplay device to play audio from my iPod Touch over the PA system at gigs so that everyone won't have to hear VoiceOver and the audio constantly auto-ducking for it. The problem I have is that most of the places we play do not have wi-fi, and from what I understand, airplay only works with wi-fi. I've thought about using the personal hotspot feature on my iPhone so that there could be a wi-fi connection between my iPod Touch and an Apple TV, but I only have 300 MB of data a month with the plan I'm on, so I don't know if this is an option. I won't be using the airplay mirroring feature since I only need the Apple TV for audio.
My questions are:
1. How much celular data would I be using on my iPhone if I used it's hotspot connection to airplay audio from my iPod to an Apple TV?
2. Is it possible to use the wi-fi from a router that isn't connected to the internet for airplay?
WiFi is not Cellular Data
Re: personal hotspot
Hello. using airplay
Hello. using airplay shouldn't generate any traffic at all to the external network as it is only local. You should count in though, that while cellular data is turned on, your phone probably accesses it (all the services like push, location services, update checks etc) go out there to download information. If you connect your apple tv to your phone, the tv accesses the web as well. I am not shure of how much traffic is generated, but I am afraid you can't stay at 0 with this configuration.
Local wi-fi network?