By Josh C., 25 February, 2014
Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories
I'm looking for a dock or other accessory that can allow me to connect my iPod Touch or iPhone to a PA system without everybody having to hear VoiceOver. This will be used for music during the breaks at band gigs. I currently can't use my iPod or iPhone for break music because the only way I currently have to connect it to the PA system is through the headphone jack, and I don't want people to have to hear VoiceOver and the music constantly auto-ducking for it. Any suggestions?
alternative suggestion
playing music
Third party app suggestion
Not on iOS
Re: Airplay
actually not
Airplay over Bluetooth?
I have an idea.
Hi. I have something I think will work for you, but you will need 2 iOS devices. Do you have access to 2 or do you just have 1? If you have 2 I will explain my idea.