VoiceOver on Mac

By Karen.M, 24 February, 2014

macOS and Mac Apps
Hello, Would any one be able to let me know how to stop voice over reading the font, size of font etc when using the Mac? Any time I type, voice over reads what font I am using. I look forward to any insight to this problem. Thanks in advance.



By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Friday, February 28, 2014 - 07:51

Try opening voiceover utility with vo function f 8 that is control option function f 8 then go to the text tab then choose do nothing when announcing when text attributes change.

By mehgcap on Friday, February 28, 2014 - 07:51

Try this:

  1. Press vo-v to open the verbosity quick settings.
  2. Press right or left arrow until you find "text attributes".
  3. Up or down arrow until you find the option you want (I recommend "do nothing").
  4. Press space to save and close.
Thank you both for helping me solve this easy but frustrating problem I had. It works, and it is wonderful not having to listen to what font etc I am using! Thanks again. Regards