Hello all apple vis users. I could really use your help with something. Forgive me for being a little off topic, but I had nowhere else to turn. Its a long story, but here I go. My first question, are there any captcha solving services or apps for ios. I have been searching far and wide for a free web host that allowed you to install content management software on my site. Anyway, I found several web hosts that looked promising, including one that I really liked. The only problem I found was that all of these services had a captcha on the sign up page. Therefore, I couldn't complete the registration process. I don't have a computer, only an iPhone, so a captcha solving app would be useful to me. And as for my second question, how do you explain how voice over works. I contacted the hosting company I liked best and explained my situation. I stated that I was blind and use screen reading software. I also said that I can fill in the sign up form, but couldn't solve the captcha. After a few emails back and forth, they said there was nothing they could do at this time. What do I do about this? How do I explain how voice over works? Is there a site this company could refer to? I feel that they're not willing to work with me. I'm not giving up, but I have nowhere else to turn. Any responses will be greatly appreciated.
A bit of advice.
Your only option for solving
An update
Call in Person?
S o l, sorry out of luck
I wish
My thoughts
Try iPage.com. It's a great
This might be the answer you are looking for
using tap tap see to solve a
The latest on the capptcha sobbing and web posting saga.
try some OCR websites
try some OCR websites
Hello. You could if you had a
Hello. You could if you had a mac or windows running firefox or safari or even chrome use this service I use called rumolla. and as for your issue try linode. I think it should do what you want it to do. They have phone support. If you give them my referral code found in the url or if you copy the code found in the form it puts in automatically you should be good to go.
You might hassle issues, but the phone and email support is excellent. I've been with these guys for about 9 months now and I can't recommend them highly enough. Here is the link for more info Good luck and be blessed. And have fun with rumolla.
An alternative to the TapTapSee screen shot
When you run into a captcha, just double tap and hold when standing with your cursor on it. You will now get options to save or copy the image. Select to save the image. Now open TapTapSee and select library from the menu. Swipe to your last picture on the right and double tap it to send it to TapTapSee.