Question about storing music on iPhone

By Callum Stoneman, 13 February, 2014

iOS and iPadOS

Hey guys,

I have tuns of music on my iPhone, and its taking quite a lot of storage. So I was wondering if there was a way to put my music on to a drive, such as dropbox, google drive, sky drive something like that, and just stream my music off them when I want to listen to it.
Another option, and I think this would probably be the easiest, is to clear all the music off my iPhone and put it onto my iPod Nano, but I don't have that with me all the time.
Is the drive option possible or should I just save it on to my iPod.




There is no good free solution for such feature you want. I'd suggest to pay this 20 pounds per year and enjoy your music collection where ever you want. You could do this on dropbox, but as this is not an deticated music player app, it is very slow and unconfortable to listen music through this.

By Tim Schwartz on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:44

I know that for a bit there Amazon Cloud Player worked nicely. You got a certain amount of space for free before having to buy more space. I used it for a while. The problem for me was that the website wasn't very accessible even though the app was. Not sure of any other way.

By Callum Stoneman on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:44

In reply to by Tim Schwartz

I might have a look at Amazon cloud player. Can stuff I've already bought from itunes, imported from CDs etc also be put on there? If so how would I do this?

By Diamond tears on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:44

I had a similar problem myself with loads of music on my phone that I didn't know quite what to do with! I can honestly say, match is probably your best best. the £20 is onoly once a year, so not all that much when you think about it really. Since I've used match I have been able to store quite a lot more music than I might otherwise have been able to! I've turned match on all my devices, which means I have virtually all my music collection wherever I am and on whichever device I happen to be using at the time. 15'000 plus trackes equates to just over seven gigs on my iphone, touch and on my ipad. Definitely worth thinking about, and if you find that you don't like it and it doesn't work for you, just go in to iTunes and turn off auto renew. hth
I'm gonna look into iTunes match. I'll have a look at it when I can get to my Mac tomorrow. Just 1 more question though, if I wanted to play something on my iPhone that is in match, does it stream it or do you have to download it?
Hi! I've always heard that iTunes Match streams music from iCloud. I readily admit that this is one reason I have never subscribed to iTunes Match myself, as I want to be able to listen to music on my iPhone anywhere, even where there is no Internet connection. So I've also allowed my iPhone to have rather a lot of music on it: thankfully I still have plenty of space on said iPhone. If I'm wrong about iTunes Match only doing streaming of music, please let me know.

By a.mac on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:44

hi all, i just got a 5c . i want to creat and save groups in sms, is this possible and how do you do this? if no is there a app that will do this? tanks for your time in advance.

By Isaac Hebert (not verified) on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 07:44

iTunes match will be the best way to fix the music problems.