Help needed deleting ringtones on iPhone 5C

By Josh C., 9 February, 2014

iOS and iPadOS
I've been creating my own original ringtones in Audacity and using iTunes to put them on my phone. Now I'm wanting to redo some of them, but I'm having trouble getting rid of the old ones. I tried replacing one of the files with a new version in my iTunes folder, but when I tried to resync my tones, the old one was still there and the new one wasn't. I also don't have a clue how to delete a ringtone. I'm running the latest version of iOS, and I'm running iTunes for Windows and JAWS 14. Is there any way to delete and replace ringtones without jailbreaking? Thanks.



By Tyler on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 07:47

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
You can try removing the ringtone from your iTunes library, redoing it in Audacity, then adding it back to iTunes. The new version should sync to your phone the next time you connect. Alternatively, if that doesn't work, you could remove the ringtone from iTunes, sync your phone, redo the ringtone, add that to iTunes, then sync your phone again to add your edited version.

By MarkSarch on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 07:47

Hi and sorry for the late reply to this thread If didn't work doing selecting from the check boxes using iTunes library. and you are sure who still are selected on the check box but doesn't sync to your iPhone well before to jump to the last part try this under iTunes library on sorces tree view Tones press tab until where you will be able to see the ringtones list just delete one of them pressing delete key on your Windows PC also try to add or remove one song or album from iTunes library. plug your iPhone and sync and progress. wait for the iTunes sound that's announce has done. see on your iPhone if the tone as well the music still are on the iOS device. if all the media and didn't apply the changes it's means that's you have the notable bug who apply for iTunes not matter for windows or Mac and unfortunally there are not way how to fix it. you can see or look the problems on this forum for the last fiew months about this bug this apply only for iOS7 and iTunes 11 also you can search from the apple page about it. the only way how to figure it was doing a restore using iTunes to then restoring using iTunes backup and all the media tones, music, podcast videos work beautiful again.
Thanks, T Dog. That worked. Fortunately I don't have the iTunes bug that Marco is talking about. This is my first iOS device and I just started using iTunes last week, so this is all new to me. iTunes for Windows stinks with JAWS...Can't wait 'til I get a Mac!