Creating Ring Tones for the Iphone

By Nicholas Acosta, 13 January, 2014

iOS and iPadOS
Hi, I want to know how to creat ring tones for the Iphone. I am using ITunes 11.1 for windows. Thanks.



By Larry Thacker Jr. on Saturday, January 11, 2014 - 07:37

I believe you will find an entry for the MakeTones^ app here on the site. It was the first one I tried and I've stuck with it for what little I use it. It's a little confusing at first but very accessible and allows you to create the tones on your phone. If it's a song that others have made tones from, you may already have selections that meet your needs without having to create your own. Getting the tone to actually be used as a ringtone is a bit cumbersome due to the restrictions of iOS, but the process is well described and easy enough to do. There may be better options, but this one has met my needs. I don't remember the price but it wasn't high.

By Cherokee Eagle on Saturday, January 11, 2014 - 07:37

In reply to by Larry Thacker Jr.

Hi, I don't have the link, but there is a podcast on using ITunes and IRinger to make ringtones on this sight. I demonstrate it using ITunes and Windows.

By Michael on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 07:37

I use an app called RMaker, it is free. You can do the hole 30 seconts for a ring tone. It is very excessible. I have had know problems using it.

By Michael on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 07:37

In reply to by Michael

You can make your ring tone from anywair in the song. it is very good.

By Amber on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 07:37

I make my ringtones on the computer. Here is what I do. 1. I get a copy of the song I want to make the ringtone of. 2. I open the file in audasity. 3. I listen to the song until it gets to the part I want to make the ringtone. 4. This is really tricky and you have to be quick doing it. Once it gets to the exact part where you want to start the ringtone, you hit the [ or left bracket key. Then, once you want the ringtone to end, at the exact moment where you hear where you'd like the ringtone to be over, you hit the ] or right bracket key. 5. Hit your alt key, then go down arrow until you hear export selection. Enter on that, and from the format choose mp3. 6. Close out of audasity and open switch sound file converter or whatever audio converter you desire to use. Convert the exported mp3 file to m4a. 7. Go to where your m4a file is stored and rename the file. Change the a to an r so now the extention is m4r. 8. Import your file into itunes. It sounds extremely difficult to do this, but once you do it a few times it's really easy to do. The good thing about this is that you have a lot more control over what songs you make as ringtones, and which part of the song you want. Note that ringtones can be a maximum of 40 seconds long. Also, both audasity and switch converter are free programs so no cost is involved. I store all my ringtone files in a folder so I can have them backed up. Hope this helps someone.

By KE7ZUM on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 07:37

All of this is from iTunes 1. go to the song for which you want to create the ring tone. 2. go to info or hit cmd i on the track 3. go to options 4. determine the start and end length of your track, that is from 00:00:30 to 00:01:00 as the ring tone needs to be 30 second or less. 5. hit ok. 6. hit make m4a if you have your settings set right. 7. sort by date modified and show our smaller file in the finder. 8, rename the m4a to a m4r file and reimport it in to iTunes. I hope that helps.

By Josh C. on Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 07:37

The post about creating ringtones in Audacity and converting them to M4A and renaming them as M4R is extremely helpful. Thanks! You don't need an external file converter if you're generating your ringtones in Audacity. All you have to do is to load the FFmpeg library. Audacity versions 1.3.7 or later have FFMpeg support, all you have to do is to download the latest version of the library and set it up like you would the LAME library, and M4A will appear as an FFMpeg export option. Just rename the files with the M4R extention and import them into ITunes.

By Ken Downey on Saturday, April 11, 2015 - 07:37

I know how to do it through the PC, but I'm really sick and tired of using iTunes in windows. It seems like it becomes more and more frustrated and less and less accessible all the time. Unlimtones has become inaccessible but there has to be other options… Aren't there? by the way, my phone is jailbroken but I'm using iOS 8 .1