Line2 - Second Phone Number


Description of App

This is an app intended for small business owners and office professionals. I use it for personal reasons so that I can screen calls and block numbers. It adds a VOIP number to your IPhone. This is Google Voice on steroids. There are way too many features to talk about here. Some highlights are as follows: integration with your IPhone contacts, flawless switching between 3G, WiFi, and cellular modes, voicemail by email, and custom greetings for each caller. It truly is an amazing app. You get your first 30 days free. If you sign up in those 30 days, you pay $14.95 per month. If you don't, you make in-app purchases of $19.95 per month. I got the subscription and I love this app. Some other things you can do with it are conference calling with up to 20 people and the ability to hold and transfer calls between numbers. You also get unlimited calls to US and Canadian numbers, and international calls for as low as 2 cents a minute. I am seeing how this would benefit someone with an uncontracted IPhone; you can save minutes and cut down on costs by using this app, as there are no charges.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

AppleVis Editor Note: this app was submitted before Usability Ratings were introduced, so one has been chosen on the basis of the accessibility comments made by the original poster. If you have used this app, please post a comment to let us know if you agree with the Rating.

Original Comments: This app is very accessible. Everything is read, even though it sometimes says things weirdly. All the buttons are labelled, even the ones that are available to you while on a call! I have found a small glitch when signing up from the app. After you have picked a number, you have to go to the Done button, turn VO off, click DOne, then turn it back on again. I have no idea if this is VO or the app causing the problem. After that, you are home free. It is truly integrated; it looks exactly like the IPhone's phone app, right down to a keypad and contacts tabs.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some minor accessibility issues with this app, but they are easy to deal with.



By James Mannion on Friday, November 12, 2010 - 15:22

I installed and registered for the trial with the line2 software. The registration went fine and one can make a call, however I noticed that the list of text messages and the call log lists are not at all accessible and I did nto find any work around. Voiceover sees nothing on the screen at all in the area where those lists of items are displayed such as in your list of text messages or your call logs. This to me is a huge disappointment and I don't really feel I can use it for what I would want to without these areas being accessible. I talked to the company's support and the best they could tell me was that they would put it in as a suggestion. The person didn't seem to have much interest in details. They did not ask any questions and the initial response indicated they did not truely understand what I was referring to. I felt like I was blown off for the most part. Their support chat on their web site is accessible though with a windows screen reader. I am really disappointed because I was very interested in using this software. I expressed that to them and directed them to where they could get information on accessibility. If more people approach them on it they may or may not care.
I am also using a 4. Yes if it says empty list when it is empty that is certainly fine. I did also get it to read it well enough in that only the more button shows up in the log lists, but if you click on a more button you can get the specifics of that entry. You don't know what that entry is until you do. I can live with that, but I Are you able to read the list of text messages screen though? Mine will not read that at all. I have tried everything with that. I have tried turning voiceover off and back on, have tried taking the app out of the switcher and relaunching it to see if there was a glitch, etc.
I usually do not text with it. However I'll ask people to text me so I can see what happens.
Hi James, I'm the developer of Line2 for iOS and it just recently came to my attention (through our twitter or support team, I don't remember which) that accessibility is very broken in parts of the app. Much of it is due to the fact that I use custom cells in order to speed up displaying, but also it's an area of iOS development that I was not familiar with until now. We've scheduled accessibility support for the next major release of Line2 (tentatively, called version 3.2), and I hope that the app becomes functional enough for all to use. If anybody here would like to beta test the accessibility support and offer feedback, I'd be more than happy to provide builds as development progresses. Just contact me through applevis. Best, Arash