Volume issues in iOS 7

By Khalfan Bin Dhaher, 21 December, 2013

iOS and iPadOS
Hello. I'm facing a problem with the main volume while listening music in my iOS device or playing an audio game using VoiceOver. Each time VoiceOver speeks an item the volume decreases and does not return to the default volume. Even after pausing and unpausing a music, the volume remains the same. I have to pause and unpause the music being played for the third time to have it set to default. Has any one experienced this? I'm using iPhone 5S. Is there a way to disable this feature?



By MarkSarch on Monday, December 23, 2013 - 22:30

Hi Khalfan The same here. Unfortunately this is a software issue confirmed on the iPhone 5S I called at Accessibility team And just hold until big update provably iOS 7.1 just to let you know this issue isn't new, it came since Debute iPhone 5S together with iOS7. Don't worried nothing to do with Hardware, this is software issue confirmed in iPhone 5S and apple is working on it. Unfortunately nothing help to fix it, just wait until new iOS big release Only curious have you tryed turn off voiceOver? Enable the music or some audio format, place two finger on the screen stop speak gesture automatically the sound volume will dicrise and never back agam to default volume. But just place one finger and flick gesture and release it the sound volume will louder So then try again play some audio now turn off voiceOver the sound volume never will be interrupted. The issue is some voiceOver code on iPhone 5SiOS 7
Hello Marko. Yes I tried disabling VoiceOver and played a music. This issue doesn't seems to happen when VoiceOver is off, I paused and unpaused the music and the volume sounds great. I discovered this issue while playing PapaSangr when VoiceOver is enabled. Touching the screen decreases the volume and remains the same. I tried applying the gesture discribed above, nothing happened. Any suggestion?