

Description of App

No need to convert the media files before playing it, GoodPlayer can play AVI, Xvid, Divx, DAT, VOB, FLV, WMV ,MKV, MP4, RM, RMVB, AC3, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, RTSP, MMS, SFTP, SMB, MMSH, MMST, RTP, UPnP and UDP etc...
files and streaming directly on iOS devices. Just transfer the media files to your iOS devices by iTunes File Sharing or over Wi-Fi, then it can be played at once.With built-in downloader and browser, it is not just a local movie player , it is "Movie Player & Downloader & Streaming Media Player" in fact. And,iPad 2/new iPad/iPhone 4S dual core CPU decoding is supported.

"The Best Video Player for iPhone..." -
"All-round best in class movie player with streaming" -

GoodPlayer in App Store Top 1 Listed:

  • France/Italia/Saudi Arabia Entertainment iPad Paid Top 1
  • Italia/Croatia Entertainment iPad Grossing Top 1
  • Lithuania/Niger/Saudi Arabia Entertainment iPhone Paid&Grossing Top 1
  • Estonia/Sri Lanka Entertainment iPhone Grossing Top 1


  • Swipe fingers up/down on playing, to change the subtitle or turn off subtitle on the fly (for media files with subtitles)
  • Swipe fingers left/right on playing, to change the audio track on the fly (for media files with multiple audio tracks)
  • TV out/VGA out support , HDMI TV-out and Video Mirroring support( for iPad & iPhone 4 & iPod touch 4 only)
  • Universal, supports iPad, iPhone and iPod touch
  • srt,smi,"idx+sub",mkv embedded subtitle supported
  • Lots of subtitle language encoding supported
  • 24 bits true color, no color information missed
  • "Open In" feature supported: open video and audio files from Mail email attachments and Safari web browser
  • 3gp, aac, ac3, amr, ape, asf, asx, avi, cue, dat, divx, dts, dv, eac3, f4v, flac, flv, gsm, gxf, hlv, iso, m1v, m2p, m2t, m2ts, m2v, m3u, m4v, m4r, m4a, mka, mkv, mod, moov, mov, mp1, mp2, mp3, mp4, mpa, mpe, mpeg, mpeg1, mpeg2, mpeg4, mpg, mpv, mt2s, mts, mxf, oga, ogg, ogm, ogv, ps, qt, ram, rm, rmvb, tp, ts, vob, webm, wm, wma, wav, wmv file formats supported
  • Subtitle font, font size and font color customization
  • DTS/AC-3 5.1 audio supported, downmix to stereo
  • goodplayer:// URL scheme
  • Auto repeat playback current file switch supported, the default is off.
  • Built-in file manager supported: move files from folder to folder inside of app,file,delete,file rename,folder creation,folder delete
  • Two full screen modes: "Crop on Fullscreen" and "Fit on Fullscreen"
  • Playlist support: every folder is a playlist. Just move the files to a folder, and set the "Settings"-->"Playback"---> "Auto Repeat" to "All Files Loop". During the playback, the files in the folder will be played back one by one automatically.
  • iPad 2/new iPad/iPhone 4S dual core decoding supported. Dual-core CPU could be used to decode at the same time.
  • Folder password protection
  • Left/Right/Stereo Audio Channel selection
  • HTTP/FTP WiFi file sharing
  • Blocker for iTunes Sync file backup
  • SMB/ CIFS/Samba browse/download/streaming supported
  • UPnP/DLNA/WebDAV/SFTP supported
  • AirPlay supported

Contacts information:

  1. Support site:
  2. Email:

Reviews from customers:

"First of all I would like to congratulate you on making an excellent product!
I have tested quite a few of the various play-all formats media
players in the App store, but the picture quality, sharpness and depth
of field of the GoodPlayer is so far the best video player.
Much better than other players ... , to name but a few." - Richard

"VLC media player replacement
Works very well for its intended purpose. Love being able to watch
stuff that I couldn't put on my iPhone before." - Goblu57



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


Accessibility Comments

This is one of the best apps I have come across that have fewer, if any, accessibility issues. Using Voiceover on all my devices, navigating the controls was easy. So in short the app is fully accessible just as the native multimedia programs such as Music and Videos.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Other Comments

If you are looking for a good app to play most audio and video formats such as WMA, Divx, ogg, ogv, flv, etc. Then give this app a try. at least for me, it solved my problems with most of the formats that weren't supported natively on my IOS devices. It is fully accessible and supports opening from other apps such as Mail or any file manager. It comes with its own file manager for organising files. You can even play the whole folder of music files just as you would on your PC or Mac.


1 people have recommended this app



By alex wallis on Monday, June 11, 2012 - 07:45

Hi, I have found a few problems when using this app. Firstly, there are several buttons that don't have text labels, these are on the opening screen, and voiceover says unpronounceable button when you go over them, I haven't been able to figure out what they are for. Secondly, at least when using the app to play audio, I found that when I wanted to pause a file, sometimes I would have to double tap the pause button twice for it to actually work. First time it stopped the file, and then restarted it a second later, and the second time it worked. I have also found a few times Voiceover got stuck and was unable to navigate round the screen. Last issue I have noticed, is that button labels for play, pause etc standard buttons really could use a bit of work, as they all have the text Hustmobile before the function name of the button, so a bit of unnecessary text. at the moment, I am not sure if I would want to use this as my default media player. I did contact the developers and raise all the above issues with them, I also gave them the website address to apples accessibility programming documentation which they said they would look at, but a version of the player has been released since then, so I am not sure if they have looked at the documentation or decided to try and address any of my issues. I tried the new player version, and certainly all the label issues were still there. I think this app should be classified as accessible but the interface could use a bit of work. The developers are aware of VoiceOver users, as they said to me when they replied to my message that other VoiceOver uses have been in touch with them, but at the time they didn't know how to improve the app, so they thanked me for providing the programming guide which they weren't aware of previously.

By Davy Kager on Saturday, January 11, 2014 - 07:45

What's the current accessibility status of this app? In trying a number of others, I find that almost all others have serious issues.

By alex wallis on Saturday, January 11, 2014 - 07:45

Hi, your right allot of players have accessibility issues. As for this player, I just installed the latest version, and I can confirm that there are still some unlabeled buttons on the main screen. Also it is still possible if your playing a file and tap on the screen in the wrong place for VoiceOver focus to get stuck so you can't navigate the app at all. I have also noticed that audio playback doesn't seem to be gapless, and in fact this is an issue I have noticed with pretty much all audio players that you cn hear a noticeable jump from one track to another. In the case of the flac format this certainly shouldn't be the case, the player I use because of how accessible it is and also because I use flac audio files is called golden ear. The other reason I use it is because it seems to be the only app that plays flac files gaplessly with no noticeable breaks. Also the developer is responsive to accessibility issues. I think the problem is that allot of these apps are made by the same developers so you have a situation where a single developer sells two or three apps that do the same thing under different names, for example hust mobile the developer of this app has several different multimedia apps which all suffer from similar accessibility problems. I would like a multimedia player that supports more formats but I don't want to sacrifice accessibility or gapless playback, and there is other functionality that isn't in golden ear for example remembering position in audio files but for me at least golden ear does what it does well which outweighs the rather small advantages of switching to another player, golden ear does support other common file formats just not a huge list so would suggest checking it out if you haven't done so already.
You are right: a lot of apps seem to be very similar, both structurally and in terms of features. Sadly, a lot of them also have this issue where VoiceOver gets stuck in the player screen. I used to love OPlayer, but that is now kind of going down hill. I suppose VLC for iOS is a good option for playing back from a DLNA-server, but I'd also like support for SMB or FTP, and preferably a means of importing audio outside of iTunes. I'll definitely check out the other app you mentioned, and maybe try GoodPlayer if I'm feeling bold. :)

By alex wallis on Saturday, January 11, 2014 - 07:45

In reply to by Davy Kager

Hi dave, I totally agree with you about importing audio without the use of iTunes, as it happens golden ear offers the ability to connect to an ftp server. However my preferred method of copying files to apps without iTunes is a program from a company called macroplantt they used to make a program called phone disk which can mount app directories in windows as drives. Sadly they no longer make this program though they still offer the last version for download. Unfortunately there phone disk replacement is pretty much inaccessible to jaws, though I don't know about the mac version. I did email them about making I explorer jaws accessible and they seemed interested but don't seem to have done anything perhaps it might be worth other people such as yourself dropping them an email as well, I think I will chase them again as well. As I suppose eventually phone disk will stop working with windows and I should be using the latest technology in any case.