My songs and Playlists are not transferred to my IPhone.

By Karina Velazquez, 13 December, 2013

iOS and iPadOS
Hello guys. I have a problem when I try to sync some of my playlists and songs from my library from Itunes to my IPhone 5. The thing is that since the last month just the songs that I purchased in itunes are transferred to my IPhone, but the other once are not. The same thing happened when I Tried to add my Christmas playlist, which I add and remove each year in this season, but it is not transferred either. I have tried with some of the suggestion people give on internet, like checking and unchecking songs, etc, but nothing fix it. Some people say that it is a bug from the Itunes 11.1.3, but I don’t know exactly. Has anybody a solution? Please tell me that I’m not the only one suffering this issue! I'm using Itunes 11.1.3 and Windows 8.



By MarkSarch on Wednesday, December 11, 2013 - 07:51

Hi Karina well this is the secund post on this month I think so with the same issue. Try and look on the forun for some post submited long time go, also I suggest to you plug and leav the iOS device for a longer time, personally I haven't seen any thing different using iTunes just for the first time when use iTunes backUp the process take a little be time. do you have iCloud backUp? can you also recor some audio using Dropbox to see what's exacly the problem. if I find the post submited long time ago, I will send to you later or I will post the link on the forun.

By Karina Velazquez on Saturday, January 11, 2014 - 07:51

In reply to by MarkSarch

Thank you Marco, I will look for that post, and answering your question, I don't use the Icloud backup and I don't use Dropbox either, sorry. but thank you very much for your answer.
Hi Karina again. I was looking on the web and find that this issue or wherever called was presented after iOS7 according at apple comunity so I don't know if is something wrong with iTunes too, but as well presented for Mac or Windows OS. you said the following" I have a problem when I try to sync some of my playlists and songs from my library from Itunes to my IPhone 5. you are using Windows 8 and laters iTunes version,. I use Windows 7 and later iTunes version and iOS7.04 well in general is iOS7 and I got an iPhone 5S ofcourse I needed use iTunes backUp to transfer all my data into my new device. I didn't have any problem syncing tones, music, apps, etcetera. until this new iOS7.04 and later iTunes version. after see your post I tryed to sync some albums from my iTunes library but I couldn't hmm?interesting... right? so okay right here what I did and works for my, personally I don't try to say who you do it because it's little be hard. Okay you know the process how to navegate and scheck the controls, well I tryed to play the sons under sorces Music and iTunes started playing all the music with out any problem the issue comes when want to sync all kind of media into your iOS device, include tones and music. through the process just show some dialog loading... but never get the sync so I leavechecked the albums and one of the reason was cause iTunes complete the process listening the sound after complete the process. well I reset the iOS device using iTunes BackUp and taking the most recent backUp that include the new albums on my last backUp and believe me or not it worked syncing all the music that had selected and finally I select other album after the sync complete and just works beautiful now. so is up to you. just search ongoogle for problems syncing music in iOS7 and the the couple first heading will talk about apple comunity and so more. I hope this help as a tip.

By Karina Velazquez on Saturday, January 11, 2014 - 07:51

Thank you very much Marco, as yu and a friend of mine told me, the solution is to reset my devise. This was logic because I also have an 32gb Ipod 3gs and this problem was not occurring when I sync this devise, and it only was occurringwith my Iphone 5. To whom ever experiments this issue start the reset process minutes before you go to bed and at the morning everything will be resolved.