By Ken Downey, 26 November, 2013
iOS and iPadOS Gaming
Well, the subject says it all. I currently have sixty-five games, all of which are playable and nearly all totally accessible. The remaining fifteen games in the count are completely accessible, and I do not have them now either because I've beaten them or because they are just too big to keep on the phone most of the time. This count doesn't include the fun little things like the gigglestick and rainstick apps I have, because they aren't games.
There are some really big gaps i really wish would get filled in for us. The first, as we've mentioned before, is the sports genre. I'd love a baseball game where I could swing at a pitch and maybe, smash a scoreboard or a car like in Bigs Baseball for the Wii. I'd also like a real racing game where we not only drive, but compete with other cars to reach the finish line as in Pole Position or the original Mach1 by Jim Kitchen.
Finally, and this is what I really have been missing, are puzzler games like JawBreaker, Crazy Bubbles and so on.
what games you got then?
Hi. I would also like to
Agreed. I'm also curious. I
Well, you asked for it lol
Wow! Keep those games coming!
Hi There are some games there
games with links needed
Aurifi on iOS 7
Agree About Links to Apps
Well, I was writing a short
Hello Which Naval combat do
PingPong Samurai
Looking for Jeopardy or press your luck
Hi, I'm looking for an accessible Jeopardy game and a a press your luck game similar to the one Jim Kitchen wrote does this exist?
Games, games and more games :)
Hello everyone,
First off, I’ve looked up and down for games like Jeopardy and Press Your Luck, but I have yet to find a version that is accessible. As for these other games, wow, you have quite an extensive list Ken. I’m curious though, are games like naval combat, Zany touch, and Aurify getting updates? I had to delete so many of those apps from my phone a few years ago because they quit working. I’m reluctant to let go of Lost cities, because I still can play that game. Have some of these apps been updated to 64-bit versions? I know there was a big discussion of what apps would work on the phone when we went to 64-bit apps, so I was wondering if any of these games have any life left in them. That would be a fun voice chat discussion, discuss the apps of days gone by, like flipzu and papaya broadcastor. Stem stumper was also another favorite of mine, but I didn’t think it still worked. One app I’m really sad about is the game words with friends, which used to be hanging with friends remember? I loved that game and I could play with any member of my facebook wordsmiths club, but I can o longer play it because they’ve made it so inaccessable. Please tell me that some of these audio games have been updated like aurify or stem stumper, and I’d gladly redownload and play away. I have played naval combat recently, but it’s too laggy.
Happy gaming, everyone!