A random guide about rearranging items in the Finder's sidebar

By TheBlindGuy07, 9 March, 2025

macOS and Mac Apps

I just discovered that in the Finder's sidebar, we can very easily use drag and drop with VoiceOver to rearrange the order of the items placed there. In my case for example, I added my OneDrive account after having only 2/3 of my Google accounts, so the third one was after OneDrive.
I pressed vo+, on the item I wanted to move, in my case my 3rd Google account, moved left with vo+left arrow to OneDrive, and then pressed vo+shift+comma (drop marked item before VoiceOver cursor) and got all my three Google accounts well aligned in the desired order.



By Mert Ozer on Sunday, March 9, 2025 - 22:16

I've been wanting to customize the toolbars with voiceover, it didn't seem accessible when I tried it a while ago. Any ideas?

By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, March 10, 2025 - 01:56

Not accessible for me either it seems. Will Feedback Apple.