Hello all,
How to read the contenct of the clipboard using voiceover? I searched the commands but couldn't find anything.
Using IOS 18.3.1, FYI.
I downloaded the shortcut, but couldn't figure out how to assign this shortcut to a voiceover gesture.
Can you please give instructions on how to do this?
To assign a voiceover gesture or keyboard shortcut to a shortcut, go to all commands, and go all the way down to the bottom and select shortcuts.
In the list, select your desired shortcut, then add a touch gesture or keyboard shortcut to it.
Then, activate the gesture, and the shortcut will run.
There is no way to read the clipboard directly from VoiceOver
Assign this to a voiceo command, and the clipboard will appear on screen.
Hello, I downloaded the…
I downloaded the shortcut, but couldn't figure out how to assign this shortcut to a voiceover gesture.
Can you please give instructions on how to do this?
Instructions for adding shortcuts to voiceover gestures/commands
To assign a voiceover gesture or keyboard shortcut to a shortcut, go to all commands, and go all the way down to the bottom and select shortcuts.
In the list, select your desired shortcut, then add a touch gesture or keyboard shortcut to it.
Then, activate the gesture, and the shortcut will run.
Thanks for the instrctions,…
Thanks for the instrctions, I got it working.