I’m just starting to use Bookshare. When I try to download books from my history tab, they won’t download. I select EPUB and press the download button, but nothing happens. This is my first time using Bookshare, so any suggestions on which format works best with VoiceOver would be appreciated.
So when you hit download, wait for sometime like ten seconds, refresh the page and you will find a link labelled as Available. Press on it and you're good to go.
It is not the Mac, it is Bookshare converting the format of the file from the default format to EPUB.
Thank you...
Thank you, I got it. Do you have any suggestions on the best file format for reading books with the least frustration? I know VoiceOver isn’t the best when working with long texts.
If you are using Speech Central then EPUB works well. The idea that EPUB format works really well when you need to browse the book by titles and chapters.