JAWS Update

By blindpk, 2 July, 2024


JAWS got an update today which, among other things, includes the ability to ask PictureSmart questions before it analyses the image.



By Brad on Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 07:23

I can't use it as I'm not a jaws user and don't want to pay for it but that does sound very useful.

By Assistive Inteā€¦ on Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 07:23

Once again, it is unbeleivable how much faster and easier upgrading NVDA is - woosh and done. JAWS makes you sit through ages and ages of ticking!

By blindpk on Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 07:23

Not just the updates but the program in general is noticeable slower than NVDA. Before when I had one computer with not that much processing power (it was basically a media center PC), the difference was significant. I mostly use NVDA, with JAWS as more or less a backup, at least at home, because NVDA can do most things that JAWS can and does them better in many cases. PictureSmart AI is the first feature in a while that actually puts JAWS ahead of NVDA, and that is just because it is built in and for free. You can get the same (and some additional) AI functionality with addons for NVDA, but they all require paying for API access. I hope NVDA can strike a deal with some AI company to get on the same level, but it might be too costly.

By Assistive Inteā€¦ on Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 07:23

I realised I was bieng to timid - you actually get massive numbers of tokens for not much. But I agree, it would be better if I didn't have to think about it at all.

I also use BME for Windows, which is free, so I guess I have it.

By Holger Fiallo on Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 07:23

Had NVDA. Got eloquent but whenever needed to update windows 10 lost my license for eloquent. After second time lost it completely. OK with jaws. No issues. To each their own what works is good. Be safe all and keep cool.

By Missy Hoppe on Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 07:23

I can't say I've noticed anything all that significant in the newest jaws update. I've been using JFW since 1997, but have NVDA as a backup. I guess I'm just too used to the way JAWS does things to switch to NVDA full time, but I love having options.

By Holger Fiallo on Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 07:23

JAWS release 2 updates, yesterday and today. Got some confuse.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 07:23

I like in jaws, 2024 I think, that if there is a major bug in a jaws script they can release individual patch for it. I don't know how its practical impact is but it's something that apple on mac are definitely failing to do as bugs are piling...

By Holy Diver on Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 07:23

The update does seem to have improved the weird sluggishness and battery drain issues Iā€™ve experienced the last few months. They arenā€™t gone but it's a little more tolerable, it's annoying because Iā€™ve grown to love the touch cursor in Jaws but NVDA is legit snappier, it's way more than the difference between voiceover and a decent phone with talkback.

By peter on Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 07:23

Check out the Picture Smart features in the newest versions of JAWS. Truly a game changer. With the latest update you can even ask a question before the p[processing of an image, web page, or document is done.

Very nice.


By Assistive Inteā€¦ on Thursday, July 11, 2024 - 07:23

I like it. Not enough to use JAWS all the time, but enough to not switch to NVDA to look at images.

By Holger Fiallo on Thursday, July 11, 2024 - 07:23

If I watch a TV show, not need to stop the TV picture just use picture smart and get a nice description. Did it with Batman TV from 1966. Leslie Gore. She wearing a pink pussy cat and pink cat ears. She look hot. Thought she was a blond when I could see but it describe her hair as dark and red.

By Brian on Thursday, July 11, 2024 - 07:23

Best. Batman & Robin. Ever.

Oh, and Picture Smart sounds cool, not enough to interest me into JAWS, but cool, nonetheless.

Hope everyone had a wonderful "Blow stuff up" day. At least if you are in the US. šŸ˜‡

By Holger Fiallo on Thursday, July 11, 2024 - 07:23

Yes, Batman was great and catwoman had legs that were so long and beautiful woman. She should had been hotcatwoman.

By mantanini on Monday, November 4, 2024 - 07:23

Hello there is a new version of Jaws 2025.
Has anyone tried it and is it as slow as the previous one?

By peter on Monday, November 4, 2024 - 07:23

Yes, nice to be able to ask a question before processing the image. I have used this to ask JAWS to read an article on a web page. This works great for articles that contain a lot of ads and extraneous material scattered throughout the article. PictureSmart just gives back the text of the article without having to listen to all of that other junk.

Another new feature people will like is the ability to ask the FS Companion how to perform a task with JAWS. Hit JAWSKey+Space followed by F1 to ask a question. This utility was trained on all of the FS support docs and help files as well as the relevant Microsoft documentation on Office aplications. The response will tell you how to accomplish a task using JAWS hotkeys.


By TheBlindGuy07 on Monday, November 4, 2024 - 07:23

Wow. FS congrat on this one. I only have 2023 currently and don't think requesting update until 2026 if never but this is cool.

By Knut on Monday, November 4, 2024 - 07:23

I updated to JAWS 2025 and everytime I try to raise or lower the volume or I press media keys on my keyboard JAWS says "Volume up", "Volume down", "Media play-Pause", "Media previous track", "Media next track" etc. I think there is some setting to adjust this behaviour, but I could not find it in Settings centre.

By Lielle ben simon on Monday, November 4, 2024 - 07:23

In order to change it: press Insert+Tilda, the button before numbrers bar.

By Knut on Monday, November 4, 2024 - 07:23

I pressed Insert+tilda but it does nothing. I even tried asking if this command exists on FS companion but it says that it does not exist.

By Trenton Matthews on Monday, November 4, 2024 - 07:23

Firstly, the correct spelling is 'Tilde.' Secondly, Tilde is the 'Grave/Accent' key with 'Shift' held down. Therefore, 'Insert + Tilde' is indeed the correct command.
I myself don't have nor use JAWS, but visiting https://fscompanion.freedomscientific.com did indeed give the description mentioned above.
Yeah, the above sounds like something from GPT I know... That was all me.

By TJT 2001 on Monday, November 4, 2024 - 07:23

This keystroke also produces no effect for me. Furthermore, when I asked FSCompanion if it was a valid keystroke, it said it wasn't.

It's possible that there's a script assigned to this keystroke in the Hebrew version of JAWS, which Lielle ben simon is using. So that we can know what it is, could you please enter Keyboard Help mode, press the keystroke three times quickly and let us know the script which is read aloud?

By Brian on Monday, November 4, 2024 - 07:23

Remember, this is a alternate keystroke. So ideally, one would press, "Insert + Shift + `", to get to Tilde. Note you may have to read by character to catch that entire command.

Anyway, just think of it as Insert + Shift + Tilde, if that helps.

Finally, you tell 'em, Trenton! You go with your bad self. šŸ˜†

By TJT 2001 on Monday, November 4, 2024 - 07:23

Yes, I am. Are you able to perform this keystroke?

I've been JAWS certified for 10 years, so I don't think that this is a case of me being unable to use the software. Furthermore, prior to posting here, I conducted my own research into whether there was an easy way to suppress the notification of volume level announcements and found nothing as simple as what what was referred to above.

By Brian on Monday, November 4, 2024 - 07:23

No. I do not currently use JAWS. I prefer the simplicity and elegance of NVDA. Especially since I can simply uncheck a box to disable the announcement of raising/lowering PC volume.

Regarding JAWS, I may have a potential work-around, but it's not great. From what I have researched, you should be able to put JAWS into "Speak OnDemand" mode. This may suppress the announcing of the volume adjustments, and such.

This is reportedly done with "Insert + Space + S".

HTH. šŸ™‚

By Lielle ben simon on Monday, November 11, 2024 - 07:23

Sorry guys.
It's my folt.
The correct keystroke that I ment is: Insert+Space and tilde.
Thanks for correction my spelling.
I updated to Jaws 2025, and I experience this too.
regarding Jaws Hebrew version it's the same shortcuts in English version.

By Kelly on Monday, November 11, 2024 - 07:23

This is not a bug. The Insert+Space, ` command is for toggling announcement of volume notifications. Things like "Volume up", "Volume down", "Media play-Pause", "Media previous track", "Media next track" etc. is JAWS speaking key labels. You can turn these off by going to Settings Center > Keyboard > General > Manage Key Labels... This will give you a list of keys from which you can have the key label speak or mute. You can also change the text of the label.

By gailisaiah on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 - 07:23

Sharing the below from my work:

There is a new AI based feature that will be a part of the new JAWS version 2025 but this feature can be used by anyone now with a web browser. Visit the following web link
Then type a question about jaws/windows/office/web browsing commands and hit enter. Here is an example I just used. I typed ā€œhow to transfer a call in Teamsā€. This will be a great tool for any JAWS users or trainers or people supporting jaws users. I am pasting in the details from the whatā€™s new page for JAWS

FSCompanion: Your AI-Powered assistant for Learning JAWS and Microsoft Applications
With so many features and keystrokes available between JAWS, Windows, and the various Office apps, it can be challenging to locate the information you need to perform a specific task or even look up a setting or keystroke you no longer recall. The new AI assistant, FSCompanion, lets you ask questions about JAWS and other applications and quickly provides the information you need without you having to search through multiple documents and web pages to find it. Want to know how a particular JAWS feature works, or the sequence of keystrokes to perform a specific task in Word? Ask FSCompanion, and the AI searches through various help and training resources in a matter of seconds, and provides the key details in a concise step-by-step format.
FSCompanion has been trained using JAWS help and training data as well as support content from Microsoft. It currently does not contain any data for ZoomText and Fusion, but it will be able to also assist with these products soon.
FSCompanion is capable of responding to questions about the following, with an emphasis on providing specific keystrokes as answers.
ā€¢ JAWS usage
ā€¢ Windows usage and navigation
ā€¢ Web browsing
ā€¢ Microsoft Word
ā€¢ Microsoft Excel
ā€¢ Microsoft Outlook
ā€¢ Microsoft PowerPoint
To open FSCompanion:
1. Press INSERT+J to move to the JAWS window.
2. Press ALT+H to open the Help menu.
3. Press R to access the Web Resources submenu.
4. Press C to select FSCompanion and press ENTER.
You can also access FSCompanion directly in your web browser by going to FSCompanion.ai.
Once the FSCompanion page opens, focus is placed in an edit field where you can immediately type a question. After typing a question, press ENTER, and JAWS will automatically read the response as soon as it is displayed. Focus remains in the edit field, so you can ask any follow-up questions. Select the New Conversation button to start a new topic, or select the Feedback button to submit any comments about a response.
To review answers, use TAB or SHIFT+TAB, H or SHIFT+H, or the ARROW keys. Select the New Conversation button to start a new topic, or select the Feedback button to submit any comments about a response.
Here are a few example questions to help get you started.
ā€¢ How do I change the JAWS volume?
ā€¢ How do I select cells in Excel?
ā€¢ How do I turn off the Preview Pane in Outlook?
ā€¢ How do I select text?
ā€¢ How do I set a PlaceMarker on a page?
Please ask as many questions as you like, and donā€™t hesitate to give feedback on your experiences. The types of questions you ask and the feedback you provide are very important as it helps our team train the model to be more accurate.
Note: FSCompanion is optimized for English, as it has been trained with English documentation. This means that the answers it gives are based on English keystrokes and terminology. For the best experience, please use it in English. If you ask questions in another language, the keystrokes and descriptions it provides might not be accurate. We are working on supporting additional languages.


By TheBlindGuy07 on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 07:23

Not totally in the topic but it's about jaws updates.
When I read these release notes I can't help but feel that 3rd party screen readers are the way to go for accessibility as with apple and especially macos, all these little details is exactly what voiceover is terrible at and apple don't even publically disclose when there are patches. I use NVDA and don't think I could ever switch back to jaws like I was in 2014 and before, but nvaccess and fs actually know what are their responsabilities in terms of making, and especially maintaining a screen reader overtime and listen and keep patching problems as technology evolves.
And unlike apple, they don't just put flashy things like braille display mirorring (who even can afford and own more than 1 display generally speaking when we consider the blind community at large) and support for multiline braille display very few people actually own and test with. Not to say any of this is bad but they are completely disconnected of the need of their userbase in the current reality.

By Karina Velazquez on Saturday, December 21, 2024 - 07:23

The only thing I hate about JAWS is that once you buy a certain version, yo don't have chance to upgrade to newer versions but buying again the licence... I think they should change their business moddel, at least to let users have the oportunity to upgrade to 2 or 3 years of updates, but I know I'm not the one who would deside, so just thinking out loud. **She Dreams**

By Joe on Saturday, December 28, 2024 - 07:23

The new way to me makes more sense for folks in our situation. Basically 100 dollars a year gives you the latest features. Yes you had to in the old days pay 175 for a SMA, but there were so many more caveats to that. One example is say you had Jaws 8 and they were at 14 you had to pay for updates you never used. Now you don't have this problem.

By Brian on Saturday, December 28, 2024 - 07:23

I'm not really sure if anybody uses them anymore, but I swear they had the best model. I think at one point their screen reader was something like a monthly subscription of like $14.95 a month. Too bad JAWS doesn't do monthly subscriptions. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø

By Holger Fiallo on Saturday, December 28, 2024 - 07:23

The best feature is picture smart. Does a better job than be my eyes or my AI. Describe people, be my AI, says sorry can not... Do not like that. Also like the new idea feature that they are doing every year. Asking people to suggest a great idea and them they get price if their wins.

By Joe on Saturday, December 28, 2024 - 07:23

Bro 14*12 is more than 99 for the year with Jaws.

By Brian on Saturday, December 28, 2024 - 07:23

However, not everyone can shell out $99 a year for something, when they have other responsibilities that chip away at their bank accounts. Besides, your reply shows that you missed my point entirely. I was not suggesting that $14.95 was greater than $99 a year necessarily, I was suggesting that monthly subscriptions are sometimes more beneficial than annual ones.

By Holger Fiallo on Saturday, December 28, 2024 - 07:23

Yest. but they do have it for an iPhone, or google phone. Is what is best for people. jaws is great for me and like it. VO is ok in the phone but what I keep hearing on the mac, is not worth the headache.