Accessible email service provider

By PaulMartz, 9 October, 2024

macOS and Mac Apps

I'm looking for an email service provider, and the primary criteria is that their web interface is accessible using VoiceOver and a MacOS desktop web browser such as Google Chrome.

Here are my other requirements:
* The service must support outgoing email from a Wordpress website (using SMTP, for example).
* The service must support forwarding incoming emails to multiple recipients.

I’m currently using, which has become unacceptable for two reasons.

The first is accessibility. I’ve had to find workaround for numerous accessibility issues on their website. Though I’ve been a loyal customer for years, they have utterly failed to improve their website design despite my repeated discussions with their support staff.

The other is a problem with their email forwarding in which incoming emails are delayed or lost entirely when forwarding to multiple recipients. They escalated this issue weeks ago and have failed to respond to status inquiries requesting an update.

Yeah, this is way outside the typical AppleVis forum post, but if I can’t find an answer here, it means I’ll have to find a solution by trial and error, which I’m not looking forward to.



By Jonathan Candler on Friday, October 11, 2024 - 07:50

There's also the good old gmail you can use as well Lol.

By PaulMartz on Friday, October 11, 2024 - 07:50

So, for both Outlook and Google, can I forward all incoming email to multiple addresses? Usually, those types of standard email accounts only let you forward to one recipient.

And can my web server use that account to send email? Do they allow for an SMTP connection? For some reason, I was certain Google required a business account for that feature.

By Brian on Friday, October 11, 2024 - 07:50

Got this from Ye old Google.

Forwarding instructions (Gmail):
1. Go to Settings in the top right corner of Gmail. 
2. Click See all settings. 
3. Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab. 
4. Click Add a forwarding address. 
5. Enter the email address you want to forward to. 
6. Click Next, then Proceed, then OK. 
7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each email address you want to forward to. 

*You can also create a filter to forward certain messages to another email address.
*You can only set up forwarding on your computer, not on the Gmail app. 

By PaulMartz on Friday, October 11, 2024 - 07:50

This looks doable. I appreciate the insights, thanks.

By Brian on Friday, October 11, 2024 - 07:50

Hope it works out for ya.

By Gar on Friday, October 11, 2024 - 07:50

Hi there,
Protonmail is a decent option, and there are no accessibility issues, at least with their web interface.
I know it supports forwarding to multiple email addresses, and they offer a "bridge" program which uses SMTP to pass emails from their servers to your email client of choice.
I have to be honest, if this is for something professional, I would avoid using GMail because, to me at least, seeing a GMail email address being used for business/professional communication just makes me cringe, as it is such a non-professional oriented option and, as has been said, they use/sell your data to target you, which Protonmail also doesn't do.
Protonmail also supports scheduling emails for a specific date/time, which as far as I can recall is perfectly accessible on the web.